Carr House Exterior Restoration title bar

Image-stairs Extensive restoration and renovation of the exterior appearance and structure of the house was also done. The restorations began with Peter Cotton in 1969. In the early 1980's, under the direction of Stewart Stark, more renovations were undertaken. A new foundation was laid, and new plumbing was installed. The white picket fence around the property was fixed and replaced in sections with a new one.

Image-window The exterior paint was collected and analyzed by Ron Candy to find the original colours used. Many different areas were tested, including the siding, window sashes, pilasters, baseboards, gables and the exterior of the front door. The photo to the right shows someone collecting a small sample of paint from the window sill of the Parlour room bay window.

Below are some as-found photographs taken by the initial restoration architect Peter Cotton in 1969. To see the photos larger, please click on the images.

Image-Window(49K) Image-Framing(49K) Image-Window Sill(46K)

Image-Side of House(42K) New Roof Finials(47K) Image--Stairs(60K)

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Last updated: 03 August 1997
Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia