Emily Carr -

Elementary Research Questions

General questions and/or suggestions:

  1. Many people like Emily Carr's paintings, and even have their very favorite one. See what some people have said about their favorite painting, and then tell us which painting you like the best, and why. Favourite Emily Carr painting.

  2. Paint a picture like Emily might have painted.
    Think about some of the things Emily painted, or the colours she liked to use. [Go to the Gallery section]

  3. What was Victoria like when Emily and her family lived there?

  4. What did Emily do for fun? What kinds of games might Emily and her siblings (sisters and brother) have played? Did they play musical instruments?

Questions with answers that can be found on the site, or on the answer key

  1. Who was Emily Carr? Why is she famous? When and where did she live? When did she die?

  2. What kind of dogs did Emily raise while she ran her boarding house, "The House of All Sorts"? How many dogs did she raise in total?

  3. What other kinds of dogs did Emily own? What kinds of other pets did she own?

  4. Who lived at Carr House?

  5. When did Emily begin to draw?

  6. Where did Emily go to school? What grade did she complete?

  7. Where did Emily study art?

  8. What kinds of clothes did Emily and her family wear?
    Go to the Family Album section and see.

  9. What was the 'elephant', and where did Emily take her?

  10. Who had an influence on Emily and her art?

Gallery Tour Family Writing Issues Team

Last updated: 26 August 1997
Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia