[House plan] [Mr.Carr's Bedroom title bar]
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Researchers believe that this room was Mr. Carr's and opposite was Mrs. Carr's. Kiddy-corner were Dede and Tallie's room and beside them, Emily and Alice shared a room. Lizzie and Dick? - we are not sure where they slept. There are no pictures of this room as it is not open to the public.

Return to upstairs Hallway.

seven o'clock Father stood beside our bed and said, "Rise up! Rise up! It's Sunday, Children." He need not have told us; we knew Father's Sunday smell--Wright's coal-tar soap and camphor. Father had a splendid chest of camphor-wood which had come from England round the Horn in a sailing-ship with him. His clean clothes lived in it and on Sunday he was very camphory. The chest was high and very heavy. It had brass handles and wooden knobs. The top let down like a writing desk with pigeon-holes; below there were little drawers for handkerchiefs and collars and long drawers for clothes. On top of the chest stood Father's lock desk for papers. The key of it was on his ring with lots of others. This desk had a secret drawer and a brass plate with R.H.CARR engraved on it.

On top of the desk stood the little Dutchman, a china figure with a head that took off and a stomach full of little candies like coloured hailstones. If we had been very good all week we got hail stones Sunday morning."

--The Book of Small By Emily Carr.

Emily Carr at Home and at Work

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Gallery Tour Family Writing Current Issues Team

Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last updated: 14 July 1997
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Properties, Province of British Columbia