[House plan] [Breakfast Room title bar]
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The Breakfast room was also a highly used area by the family. The family ate breakfast here, celebrated birthdays, and so on. The colour of the walls is mauve. This was the bottom layer of paint under many layers of wallpaper so it is uncertain if this colour was the original paint, or just a base coat for the wallpaper. There is a door on the left to the People's Gallery and straight ahead is the entrance to the Kitchen, that is now the gift shop and the main public entrance to the house.

[Image of Breakfast room]

Our Sunday dinner was cold saddle of mutton. It was roasted on Saturday in a big tin oven on legs, which was pushed up to the open grate fire in the breakfast-room. Father had this fire-place specially built just like the ones in England. The oven fitted right up to it...The tin oven had a jack which you wound up like a clock and it turned the roast on a spit. It said 'tick, tick, tick' and turned the meat one way and then 'tock,tock,tock' and turned it the other...Father said no roast under twenty pounds was worth eating because the juice had all run out of it, so it was lucky he had a big family."

--The Book of Small By Emily Carr.

Emily Carr at Home and at Work

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Gallery Tour Family Writing Current Issues Team

Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last updated: 14 July 1997
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Properties, Province of British Columbia