Carr House Garden Tour--End of Tour title bar

One of the seven gates of the Cow Yard opened into the Pond Place. The Pond was round and deep, and the primroses and daffodils that grew on its bank leaned so far over to peep at themselves that some of them got drowned. Lilacs and pink and white may filled the air with sweetness in Spring. Birds nested there.

--The Book of Small by Emily Carr.

You have now completed the Emily Carr house garden tour. Hopefully it was an enjoyable experience. If you would like to take the garden tour again, please return to the begining of the house tour page. See you again sometime.

West side Main house tour

Emily Carr at Home and at Work

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Gallery Tour Family Writing Issues Team

Sponsored by: Industry Canada
Last updated: 01 August 1997
Produced by: Schoolnet Digital Collections Team
Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia