t was not a very big tree, but the heavy bunch of ivy that hung about it made it look immense. The leaves of the ivy formed a dense dark surface about a foot away from the bole of the tree, for the leaves hung on long stems. The question was what filled the mysterious space between the leaves and the tree? Away above the ivy, at the top, the bare branches of the tree waved skinny arms, as if they warned you that something terrible was there.
One day the children heard the Father say to the Mother, "The ivy has killed that tree." It was strange that the ivy could kill anything. Small thought about it a lot, but she did not like to ask the older ones, who thought her questions silly. She would not have thrust her arm into that space for anything. To herself she called that tree"The Killing Tree".
--The Book of Small by Emily Carr.
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Last updated: 01 August 1997
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Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia