Carr House Garden Tour--Morning Glories and Rose buds title bar Image
Image-Garden Window
The elder, a sister much older than the rest of the children, knelt before a hard, straight chair: Mother and little Dick knelt together at a low soft chair. The three little girls, Bigger, Middle, and Small usually knelt in the bay window and buried their faces in its cushioned seat but Small's Father liked her to kneel beside him sometimes. If she did not get her face down quickly he beckoned and Small had to go from the window seat to under the arm of the wicker chair. It was stuffy under there. Small liked the window seat best, where she could peep and count how many morning glories were out, how many new rosebuds climbing to look in through the window at her.

--The Book of Small by Emily Carr.

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Emily Carr at Home and at Work

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Last updated:01 August 1997
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Content provided by: BC Heritage Branch, Province of British Columbia