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Carr Pottery Found*

Adapted from:
Collard, Edgar Andrew. "Carr Pottery Found".
The Montréal Gazette. November 7, 1959.

Victoria. -- (CP) --Twenty-two pieces of pottery, identified as the work of famed British Columbia artist Emily Carr, have been found at a lodge on Sproat Lake, near Port Alberni on Central Vancouver Island.

Mrs. Ellen Morgan of Victoria said she picked up the multi-colored pieces -- figurines, vases and pendants -- while buying Indian baskets at the lodge. The pottery was not considered valuable and she was given it free.

Mrs. Morgan checked some time later with authorities on the work of Emily Carr and was told the origin of the works. Each piece of pottery is marked with a Carr signature or motif.

Mrs. Arnold Cole, owner with her husband of the lodge, said she had given away "quite a quantity" of similar pieces to church bazaars and other sources in the area.

It was believed the late Miss Carr turned out the pottery for sale to tourists prior to 1943. Her paintings and sculpture are displayed in galleries across Canada.

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