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Emily Carr Ceramics*

Adapted from:
"Emily Carr Ceramics".
Montréal Gazette, November 17, 1960.

A collection of approximately 18 pieces of ceramic pottery by the late Canadian artist, Emily Carr of British Columbia, can be seen at present at the Walter Klinkhoff Galleries.

Discovered by accident recently in Vancouver Island Lodge at Sproat Lake, the small ceramics show strong evidence of Indian motif and design, as do so many of Miss Carr's paintings.

Of interest to collectors, is the fact that each piece of pottery is marked with an authentic signature or sign, either with an eagle, or as "Klee Wyck" -- a name given her by the Indians and meaning "Laughing One", or else by a symbol resembling a questionmark and meaning much the same thing.

Those familiar with Miss Carr's book, "House of All Sorts", published in 1944 by the Oxford University Press, will recall a chapter headed "Attic Eagles". In it, the artist-author describes the two Indian Eagles she herself had painted on the underside of the roof shingles.

"Their great spread wings covered the entire ceiling of the attic", she wrote. "The heads of the eagles tilted upwards in bold, unafraid enquiry...I loved to lie close under those strong Indian symbols...They made "strong talk" for me, as my Indian friends would say."

Decorated in greens, yellows, reds and black, the Klinkhoff collection of Carr pottery is comprised of figurines, vases and pendants, as well as a few small dishes and plates.

Each of the pieces was fashioned by hand, which accounts for their interesting and personal combined texture.

It is an established fact that the clay Miss Carr used came from the cliffs below Beacon Hill park. Older residents of the area well remember having seen this renowned Canadian artist as she climbed the steep slopes in order to collect it.

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Canada Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 19 August 1997).

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