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Private journal of Emily Carr*

Adapted from:
"Private journal of Emily Carr".
Ottawa Citizen., October 22, 1966.

Emily Carr, who died 19 years ago, posthumously won fame as Canada's greatest woman painter and as a talented writer. Her Klee Wyck won a Governor - General's Award.

Emily Carr was accustomed to "word" the impressions she wished to capture in her paintings. While in her fifties, she began to keep a diary, recording daily events, her thoughts and philosophy, her satisfactions and frustrations.

Clarke, Irwin and Co. will publish these notebooks on Oct. 20, entitled Hundreds and Thousands, The Journals of Emily Carr. Publication coincides with the celebration of Emily Carr Week as part of Victoria's Centennial celebrations.

There will be two editions: regular, at $10; and a limited edition, numbered and boxed, with a folio of prints and facsimile pages, and with essays on Emily Carr's life and work by Lawren Harris and Ira Dilworth, priced at $30. Both editions contain 12 reproductions of paintings, in color.

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© By permission of the Ottawa Citizen.

Canada Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 19 August 1997).

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