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The Heart of a Peacock*

Adapted from:
Carr, Emily. The Heart of a Peacock.
Foreword by Ira Dilworth. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1953.

From the Dust Jacket:

THE HEART OF A PEACOCK is a miscellany of the late Emily Carr's unpublished writings. It is made up of word-sketches and stories that explore the world of her interests, apart from her painting, in the sensitive prose that is associated with the author of Klee Wyck.

Her devoted pets, her childhood, her Indian acquaintances, the beauties of the West Coast which moved her so deeply--these are the subjects of the word-sketches, and they are brought to life with vivid descriptions and enlivened by her rich sense of the comic.

The stories recount the failures and final triumph in the life of an Indian mother; an episode in one family's observance of the Sabbath; the growing desperation of an Indian woman as she responds in the only way possible to a wire she cannot read; and a tale of romantic love. Together they reveal a side to Emily carr's skill as a writer and are striking expressions of a creative instinct that was powerful in two media.

THE HEART OF A PEACOCK offers readers a mingled experience of the sad and the gay, the cruel and the tender. As a further example of the literary powers revealed in her four previous books, it firmly underlines Emily Carr's position of eminence among the leading Canadian writers.

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© By permission of Stoddart Publishing Co. Limited, Don Mills, Ontario, Canada.

Canada Copyright. The National Library of Canada. (Revised: 19 August 1997).

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