
Team Leader

Team Worker

Emile Cabot spent most of his life living in Labrador. He now runs a small business in the local area designing professional web pages.

Brent Michelin grew up in Goose Bay, and recently received a diploma for Computer Programming at College of the North Atlantic.
Many thanks go out to the board and staff of THEM DAYS INC., who spent many long hours researching and reviewing information for the contents of this site.
Sandy Chilcote of Newfoundland Public Libraries, overseer of this project, was always there to make sure things went as smoothly as possible.
Nicole Ratte and Linda Redekop, our contacts in Ottawa, kept us up to date with the "SchoolNet Digital Collection" news and helped with all our tech problems.
Also, thanks to the Melville Public Library and the Goose Bay Campus of College of the North Atlantic, for letting us use their networks, scanners, and computers.


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This digital collection was produced under contract
to the SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.