Aug. 31st, 1948

Dear Father O'Brien,

We have left Davis Inlet and are going to live in Nutak. We don't know yet whether it will be better or not but we are going to try it and hope to get more deer than there are in Davis Inlet. We are sorry to leave the church and we are sorry because we haven't seen the priest. Last year we had a hard winter, three children starved because we were too far in the country and bad weather stopped us before we could go to Davis Inlet. We asked for your blessing. We don't forget you and we ask you to pray for all of us. Everyone very well now. We ask you to try, if you can't come yourself, to send a priest to see us. Some of our babies are not baptized and some of our young people want to be married. I buried the children who starved, we had to leave them in the country. We have no books now, prayer books, and wish you would send some.

Good-bye Eamea Appessech
Joe Rich





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