Years ago people, like lots of people do now, forecast'd the weather by the clouds and the sunrise and stuff like that. If you see these long bunchy clouds, shaped like a V with a flair on the end of 'en, that means its going to be windy weather. That's what they called 'mare's tails' in the old days. And there was what they called a 'mattress sky', with broken up clouds, all little fuzzy stuff, that meant windy weather too. That meant rough weather. A ring around the sun meant snow or rain. And the way they used to tell whether the weather was goin' or comin' was by the ring around the sun. If the ring would come in closer to the sun the weather was comin', but if the ring was getting bigger and bigger, well, that meant the weather was goin', settlin' away. That was an old way of telling the weather forecast. Same as a red sky in the evening meant fine weather. And you see the sun setting in the clear, that meant fine weather. Everybody around this place can tell you that.





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