
Canada's Digital Collections

Banbury House

The Banbury House was established in 1905 by Edwin Banbury.  In 1939, it was converted to a nurse's residence and administration office for the nursing home.  It was then purchased by another family in 1985 and moved to it's present location on Front Street.  In this new location it opened in 1990 as the first European Bed and Breakfast in Saskatchewan.  It is presently owned and operated by a new family.  Also found below is the Infamous Ghost Story of the Banbury House.
Front View Of The Banbury House

The Banbury House - click for larger view

Rate Card

 The Chimney Room - $60.00
(Features a beautiful brick chimney)

The Northern Lights - $60.00
(Features a view of the northern lights)

The Back Room - $65.00
(Features a double bed and a pull out couch)

The Balcony Room - $65.00
(Features its own private balcony)

The Pink Room - $70.00
(Features two single beds or a huge king size)

The Tower Room - $70.00
(Features the best location in the house – the turret)

Bridal Suite I - $175.00
(Features an octagon bed and Jacuzzi)

Bridal Suite II - $175.00
(Features a fireplace and Jacuzzi)









The Octagon Bed

The Octagon Bed - click for larger view









The Ghost of the Banbury House

A long time ago, a strange man broke into Mr. Banbury's house and hid upstairs awaiting nightfall.  In the middle of the night, he crept into Mr. Banbury's room.  And he awoke Mr. Banbury with the barrel of a gun pointed at his face.  The robber ordered Mr. Banbury to give him all his money.  Mr. Banbury told the robber that he only had a few dollars at his house but he had a few hundred at his office.  The robber pondered Mr. Banbury's offer, but he declined it and stated that he was going to take one of his children instead.  Mr. Banbury realized he had to take other measures, so he told the robber he would write him a cheque.  The robber, being a complete fool, agreed to this arrangement.  He quickly grabbed the cheque out of Mr. Banbury's hand and told him not to phone the police.

As the robber exited the scene, Mr. Banbury a little shaken, phoned the police and gave them the play by play of what just happened.  A few days later, the police found the man in the city trying to cash the cheque.  They arrested him immediately and took him to jail.  At his trial, Mr. Banbury had to testify against the robber.  The evidence proved that the robber was guilty and that he wasn't a Canadian citizen so he was then deported.  As he left the court room, he shouted to Mr. Banbury, "I'm still a young man, and I'm going to come back and get you!"  The robber died and some believe his ghost haunts the Banbury house.  Others believe that it is Mr. Banbury's ghost coming back to take care and protect it.

The reason that people believe it's haunted is because guests staying in the house have reported hearing footsteps late at night when there has been no one else in the house.  One staff personnel reported that a coffee maker had mysteriously disappeared one day and the next day it was returned to the proper spot.  Cupboard doors were found open when they shouldn't be and doors were found open when they had been locked and no one knows how this had occurred.  Also, one staff member was taking an order at a table when she saw a man in a checkered coat walk in through the front door.  She answered that she would be with him in a few seconds.  When she went to look for him, he was nowhere to be found and no one else had seen him.

 This digital collection was produced with financial assistance from
Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada