
Canada's Digital Collections

Wolseley Court House

The court house was established in 1885 and was home to many trials, including the famous Racette Trial. The court house is no longer in use.

Here are some pictures of the Old Court House.

Court HouseCourt House
Court HouseJail Cell Window In Court House
Different Views Of The Old Court House & Jail Window - click for larger view

The Famous Trial Of Racette

A long time ago, a couple of men stole a horse at Qu'Appelle.  They rode the horse to Wolseley and hid in a barn just outside of town.  The owner reported the horse missing so the North West Mounted Police went on a mad search for the criminals.  They found the criminals in the barn hiding out.  One of the thieves whipped out his gun and shot the Mountie, killing him.  The thieves fled to the United States and no one could find them.  Two months later, the thieves were captured coming into Manitoba and taken back to Wolseley.  They were tried at the court house in Wolseley and sentenced to death.  When the decision was made, they were whisked off to Regina and hung.

 This digital collection was produced with financial assistance from
Canada's Digital Collections Initiative, Industry Canada