Flowers of the Mississagi River Valley
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Berries to Chicory

Common Dandelion to Downy Yellow Violet

Evening Primrose to Meadowsweet

Trout Lily to Yellow Pond Lily
Northern Pitcher Plant to Queen Anne's Lace

Northern Pitcher Plant - This plant sprouts one big, lone, reddish-purple flower on a bare stem. The pitcher plant can grow 8 to 24 inches tall, and blooms from May to August in marshy areas.

Pitcher Plant photo taken by Gillian Lloyd

Orange Hawkweed/Devil's Paintbrush - Bright orangeish-red blossoms top a thin, furry stem 1 to 2 feet tall. They flower from June to August, in meadows, clearings and on roadsides. The flower was called Hawkweed because it was believed that hawks ate it to improve their sight, and it was named Devil's Paintbrush by farmers who thought the devil had sent them an annoying weed.

Orange Hawkweed/Devil's Paintbrush photo Courtesy of Little White River Studios, Box 48, Iron Bridge

Oxeye Daisy - Pure white petals surrounding a bright yellow centre, this common yet lovely flower blooms in June to August, growing in waste areas, fields, and by the side of the road.

Oxeye Daisy photo taken by Ute Kissau

Pearly Everlasting - Clusters of white flowers blossom on top of pale-green, leafy stems from July to September in the Mississagi River Valley's fields, roadsides and waste areas.

Pearly Everlasting photo taken by Gillian Lloyd

Pink Lady's Slipper - This lovely flower's names include Squirrel's Toes, Old Goose, and Two Lips. One pink, slipper-shaped flower blossoms on stalks 6 to 15 inches high, growing from April to July in dry woods. As it is one of the less common flowers of the Valley, it should not be picked.

Lady Slipper photo by Marian Wersch

Queen Anne's Lace - This beautiful plant somewhat resembles cauliflower. It is made of small, ivory-coloured flowers grouped at the top of a long stem. It flowers in May to October in dry pastures and waste areas. Despite its beauty it is considered by many to be a weed.

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