Terrence Young - Biography

Terrence Young Photo I was born in Sioux Lookout, Ontario, on October 31, 1972. I am an Ojibway Native from the Lac Seul Reservation.

I first started to take an interest in artwork at the age of five, and throughout my earlier years I often sketched the many different animals that had meaning to me.

I have never had any kind of formal art lessons and take pride in being self-taught thus far. November marks the third year of my painting career. Within this short time, I have had art exhibits in Toronto, Ontario, Thunder Bay, Ontario and in Vancouver, British Columbia.

I currently have two limited editions consisting of four hundred and fifty prints, which are owned by me. My prints are being sold throughout Western Canada and the United States.

" The message in my artwork speaks clearly about the need for healing the land, animals and the people. My work is strongly influenced by the spiritual and traditional teachings of my Native Elders. The excellent quality of Robert Bateman's wildlife artwork is something I hope to acquire one day, combined with the Native Spirituality and Symbology. I'm happy that I can share my gift and teachings through the gift of my artwork."

My first limited edition is called "The Gift of Peace" which consists of 150 prints. Presently, this edition is almost sold out. The second limited edition is called "The Awakening of Nations". This edition has 300 prints, but only a few remain for sale. Both editions were placed on the market in December, 1993.

I am presently working on three more limited editions which will be available by the end of the year.


Terrence Young
(604) 985-9830

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