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A Geological Cross Section of Alberta  

Another common diagram used by geologists is the cross section. In order to envision this type of diagram, imagine that part of the earth's crust is sliced like a great pie and a piece is lifted out so that you can look at the rock layers on their edge. The information needed to make a cross section, such as depth, rock types, and thicknesses of rock layers, is obtained from the rock columns of several wells. Wells are selected along a straight line and the rock layers represented on the columns of several wells are joined together to produce a view of a slice through the crust.

A cross section of Alberta showing rock layers and the mineral resources they contain.

Reprinted from A Traveller's Guide to Geological Wonders in Alberta by Ron Mussieux and Marilyn Nelson with the kind permission of the authors and the Provincial Museum of Alberta.
Updated October 16, 2001 by DM