The Dry Mixedgrass Vegetation
The name "Mixedgrass" refers to the
predominance of both short
and mid-height grasses in this Subregion. The most widespread are the
mid-grasses such as Spear Grass, Western Wheat grass, June Grass and the
short Blue Grama grass. Northern Wheat Grass and Western Porcupine Grass may
also be found and are characteristic of moister sites within the Subregion.
The majority of Mixedgrass vegetation is a spear grass - Blue Grama community with
Western Wheat Grass and Northern Wheat Grass also important in hummocky moraine areas. Fine-textured soils in glacial lake basins are characterized by the
Northern Wheat Grass - June Grass community. Solonetzic
soils are typically occupied by the
western wheat grass - Blue Grama community.
The most widespread vegetation of sand dune areas is dominated by
Spear Grass, Sand Grass, June Grass as well as a variety of low shrubs including
Sagebrush, Silverberry, Western Snowberry and Prickly Rose.
Although much of the natural vegetation of the Dry Mixedgrass Subregion has been replaced by agricultural crops, extensive areas of native rangeland remain that are managed primarily for grazing by domestic livestock.
Information provided by and printed with the permission of Alberta
Community Development, Parks
and Protected Areas.
and Landforms][Climate][Soils]