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The Peace River Parkland Subregion

Peace River LandscapeThe Peace River Parkland is characterized by broad, gently rolling plains with scattered upland and deeply-incised, steep-sided river valleys. Mass wasting is common along stream valleys and widens many valleys considerably. WRONG PIC HERE!

Canola FieldThe main part of the Peace River Parkland is in the Grande Prairie and Peace River areas but smaller areas occur further north as Fort Vermilion. Most of the extensive grasslands of this subregion have been cultivated and only small, scattered remnants are still in native cover.

Cretaceous shales, siltstones and sandstones outcrop along major rivers. However, because of extensive slumping, outcrops are not common since most of the valleys are covered with colluvial, slumped materials. Surficial deposits are predominantly glaciolacustrine silts and clays.

Information provided by and printed with the permission of Alberta Community Development, Provincial Parks and Protected Areas.
Updated July 15th, 2001 by KP