Northern Long-eared Bat
In Alberta in 1991, the status of the Northern
Long-eared Bat was listed as "Undetermined" because of the lack of information on the biology and population trends of this
species. However, in 1996, the species was moved to the
Blue List of species that may be at risk in the province. This change in status was based on the relative rarity of the species in the province, and on its apparent reliance on mature trees for roosting. Although the provincial colour lists offer no legal protection for wildlife species,
hibernacula of the Northern
Long-eared Bat, and all other bats in Alberta, are afforded protection from disturbance between September Ist and April 30th under the Alberta Wildlife Act. As a group, bats are identified in the Wildlife Act (1986) as
"non-licence" species. This designation means that bats can be hunted or harvested without a permit. However, it is not legal to possess live bats in Alberta due to the concern for public safety.
The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada does not consider the Northern
Long-eared Bat to be at risk (COSEWIC 1996). However, given its broad range and relatively abundant populations, the species appears to be secure in eastern portions of the country.
However, the Northern Long-eared Bat is on the Red List in British Columbia. This designation was assigned because of the very few occurrence records and limited information regarding its population status in the province. The province currently is undertaking various programs to improve the knowledge of this, and other, bat species in British Columbia. Information regarding Northern
Long-eared Bats in Saskatchewan is limited to a few site records of individual bats.
Currently, there are no programs underway to assess the status or population size in the province.
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