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Sprague's Pipit


Illustration of the Sprague's PipitThe Sprague's Pipit is one of the most rapidly declining songbird species in Alberta, and in most other parts of its range in North America. More than most other species, the Sprague's Pipit is a native grassland specialist, and the decline in population size is likely linked to land-use changes on the prairie. Most important among these changes is the conversion of native grassland to tame pasture, hayfields and cropland.

The Sprague's Pipit reaches its highest breeding densities in Alberta, and populations in the province are currently large. However, the decline in populations in this province is precipitous (10% per year), and native prairie and parkland continues to be converted to other uses. This continuing habitat loss, and accompanying decline in population size, suggests that the decline of the Sprague's Pipit in the province will continue in the future. 

Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 10 (1997), with permission from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.
Updated August 4th, 2001 by KP