Columbia Spotted Frog
Alberta Home
In Alberta, Spotted Frogs are found
primarily in the montane and subalpine natural regions from
Waterton Lakes National Park to
National Park. The species also inhabits areas of the Foothills Parkland
ecoregion, which is part of the Foothills sub-region of the
Parkland Natural Region.
In Alberta, populations of Columbia Spotted Frogs are roughly concentrated in the Waterton/Crowsnest region, and in the Banff/Bow Valley and Jasper National Park areas. No sightings have been reported north of Jasper National Park. There are a limited number of records between those in the Waterton Lakes National Park/Crowsnest Pass area, and those in the Banff National Park/Bow Valley corridor.
Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 17
with permission from Alberta
Sustainable Resource Development.
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