Swift Fox
Reintroduction efforts have resulted in the establishment of Swift Fox populations within the province. Although apparently increasing, these populations are small and vulnerable to decline. Due to these conditions, the
species has been designated as
endangered in Alberta and is fully protected under the Alberta Wildlife Act. Swift Fox dens are also protected under this legislation.
In 1991, the species was Red-listed by Alberta Fish and Wildlife. This status was reconfirmed during a 1996 status review for all non-fish
vertebrates in Alberta. As a
Red-listed species, its populations are considered non-viable or at risk of declining to non-viable levels within the province. This status listing was based on several factors which included the species' low abundance, restricted breeding distribution and populations considered below minimum viable size. Additionally, Swift Fox populations in other parts of Canada and the United States were considered rare or at risk. Habitat currently occupied by the Swift Fox was not considered to be at risk and was therefore not a major factor contributing to the
Red-listed status.
Reprinted from Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 7
with permission from Alberta
Sustainable Resource Development.
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