Art Gallery of Newfoundland and
Labrador (AGNL)

Shaped by the Sea

Permanent Collections

Anne Meredith Barry

Peter Bell

Sylvia Bendzsa

David Blackwood

Wally Brants

Manfred Buchheit

Scott Fillier

Scott Goudie

Pam Hall

Tish Holland

Josephina Kalleo

Kathleen Knowling

Frank Lapointe

Ray Mackie

Colin Macnee

Stewart Montgomerie

George Noseworthy

Paul Parsons

Helen Parsons Shepherd

Rae Perlin

Christopher Pratt

Mary Pratt

Barbara Pratt Wangersky

William B. Ritchie

Gary Saunders

Reginald Shepherd

Gerald Squires

Janice Udell

Arch Williams

Don Wright

SchoolNet Digital Collections

Scott Fillier

Visual artist, poet and musician, Scott Fillier, is a man of many artistic expressions.

Fillier was born in 1939 in Roddickton, located on Newfoundland's Great Northern Peninsula. He became interested in the creative arts as a child when his father brought home a foot pedal organ, which Fillier learned to play within a few hours. His interest in writing and painting came a year later, and the awards that he won for them, primarily from Canadian Boy, a United Church newsletter, encouraged him to pursue an artistic career.

Fishermen's Series: Drawing 1 of 9
Pen, Ink on Paper
21.3 x 28 cm

In the early 1960s he won a scholarship to the Ontario College of Art (OCA), where he graduated as a silver medallist. He also earned a degree in art history from Concordia University in Montréal in 1972.

Except for his times on the mainland, Fillier's art came into being in the relative isolation of his home in Roddickton. He had several solo and group exhibitions in Newfoundland, mainland Canada and the United States. He published poetry, most often in the magazines The Newfoundland Quarterly and TickleAce. He also worked as a music teacher in his community.

Serious health problems, caused by paint fumes, forced Fillier in 1979 to virtually abandon painting for several years, despite attempts to experiment with various paint media. During this period he began to concentrate more on his poetry and music, except for some artwork in graphite or ink.

Fishermen's Series
Pen and Ink
21.5 x 27.8 cm

After 1986 Fillier began to feel more comfortable with using water-based acrylic paints, often making the unusual choice of painting on Plexiglas. He also became engaged in computerized artwork, which was exhibited locally on several occasions.

Fillier's artwork varies in style. While he was noted for landscapes and figure work earlier in his career, he has since explored more abstract forms of art. Fillier often accompanies his artworks with his own poetry or music, in order to add an extra dimension to his work.

Fillier has recently moved to Ontario, where he continues to teach music and experiment with computerized artwork.

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