This site was designed and developed by:
All About Maps Development Team
EOA Scientific Systems, Inc.
Captain Spry Centre, 10 Kidston Road
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3R 2J7
Phone: (902) 477-2464
For additional information and a complete listing of our products visit:
The site and all its components, except as listed in the Copyright Section as copyright to others, are all copyright ©, 2002, EOA Scientific Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Neither the site, nor any of its components may be used for any commerical purpose without express written permission by EOA Scientific Systems, Inc.
We would like to thank the following people for all their help and contributions. Without their insight and co-operation this site would not have been possible.
Our support team at EOA Scientific Systems, Inc :
Pat Mackin (EOA Scientific Systems, Inc)
Derek Day (EOA Scientific Systems, Inc)
Tony Farr (EOA Scientific Systems, Inc)
Our interviewees :
Cathy Conrad (Saint Mary's University Geography Department)
Wayne Hamilton (Nova Scotia Department of Education)
Gordon Fader (Geological Survey of Canada, Atlantic Division)
Peggy McCalla (Maritime Mapping)
James Boxall (Dalhousie University Map Library)
Our graphics contributors :
Jim Siebold
MOLA Science Team, MGS Project, NASA
TeleGeography, Inc. (TGI)
Sky Research, Inc
NASA History Office
Duke Labs
As well we would like to say a big "thanks" to Canada's Digital Collections for the opportunity to make our mark on the web.