

The Maritime Archaic Indians reached an average height of 5'6'' for males and 5'3'' for females.

The 117 skeletons found in the cemetery were fairly equally divided along sex lines. Studies conducted on the skeleton collection indicate that there was a high infant mortality rate among the group. One-third of the young died before the age of two, and only one-half of those who survived beyond that age lived to adulthood. However, those who reached adulthood lived an average of 43 years and some would reach their 50s. These people were fairly healthy. The major disease found was arthritis; it was most common in the arms and hands, which is not unusual for a physically active lifestyle. There were a few incidents of healed fractures, but nothing to indicate excessive violence. Four cavities were found among the skeletons studied. This can be related to a diet that had no sugar. The teeth were well worn however, from years of eating a gritty diet (coarse meat) and from chewing hides to soften them. Often they were worn down so that the pulp was exposed, leading to an infection that would have been quite painful. Two cases of a very rare disease called Histiocytosis X were found in two young children. It is believed to be a genetic disease which afflicts one in two million people today. The first evidence of this disease is that found in the Maritime Archaic Cemetery at Port au Choix.


A Way of Life

Indian Cemetery

Health and Life Expectancy

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