Spring--Zone 2: Ship

SeaducksUnknownJuneNesting.44Lowland coastal areas should be avoided where possible.Ships should maintain a distance of 3 km from any important seabird colonies.
Ringed Seal4.3-5.1 holes/km2April - JunePupping, breeding, moulting.55Lowland coastal areas should be avoided where possible. Traditional ringed seal hunting areas near Deadman Island should be avoided by ships where possible. During the nursing period (6-8 weeks), ringed seal pups would be unable to avoid an approaching vessel and could be crushed by vessels passing through the birth lair.
Caribou~ 150 000Mid May - Early JunePopulation estimate is total for Bathurst Herd. Spring ice crossings.55Lowland coastal areas should be avoided where possible. Ships must maintain a constant lookout for larger groups of caribou on the ice at any time and avoide crossing in front of their advancements.
Humans  Hunting caribou, ringed seal, bearded seal.  Contact community of Bathurst Inlet.
