Arviat District Education Authority

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The Arviat District Education Authority sponsors this website in order to encourage literacy in Inuktitut and to help preserve the wisdom and knowledge of our elders. The DEA supports the collaboration of elders and youth in developing these websites so that traditional technologies can be captured and passed on with new technologies. It is expected that this work will be part of an on-going website projects. You may want to visit other DEA sponsored websites at the following address:

Inuit Uqausingita Taiguusingit 
Pictionary Project Logo
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The Arviat District Education Authority created this project to promote Inuktitut literacy and use of syllabics. It has two different sections. The first section is called the Pictionary Project and the second project is called the Local History Project.

The Pictionary Project section has words and pictures in Inuktitut. It contains original art and other materials.

The Local History Project section has information about the history of Arviat. It has many stories and pictures.

Everybody involved has also learned something new about the language and history of this place, as well as new computer skills.

This project is 100% Arviat made. Students, volunteers and a local Web design company all had a hand in making this site, which includes a Local History and a "Pictionary" of Inuktitut words and their meanings.

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