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Welcome to the Arviat Iglu Web Site

This web site from Arviat in Nunavut, northern Canada, details different aspects of traditional shelters such as the iglu. The project involved local Elders and youth working together using both traditional knowledge and modern technology. This is the second of the Arviat District Education Authority's projects designed to promote Inuktitut literacy and the use of syllabics. Many of those involved in the first project, Inuit Uqausingita Taiguusingit (www.arctic.ca/pictionary) and some new individuals and organizations have worked together to make this second web site a great success.

Some of the selections have text only in Inuktitut, but all sections have photographs which can be enjoyed by all. The sections with English text are the Elders and the Levi Angmak Elementary School's Traditional Iglu Summer Camp - see below. If you wish to view the Inuktitut text, you will need to download the Nunacom Font.

This site has five different sections:

Elders The Elders section includes nine interviews with Arviat elders. The interviews were conducted by two Qitiqliq High School students with questions from a young person's perspective on what life was like before Inuit started living in modern style housing. There are photographs, short biographies, and recordings of stories, ayaya songs and other shared experiences.
Elementary School The Levi Angmak Ilinniarvialaaq Iglu building project is a series of photo albums with accompanying text. The Iglu building project has been running for the past eight years. Students work with staff and Sivullinuut Elder's Society learning traditional skills like iglu building and preparation of skins.
Shelters The Shelter section is on the different types of traditional shelters used in the region. Illustrations and text describe how each structure is situated, constructed and designed to meet the conditions of the changing seasons. There are video clips depicting the steps involved for the building of the winter iglu and the spring qarmaq iglu.
Places The Places section uses maps, photos, and text to detail the region's traditional camping sites and transportation routes. The information gathered was done so through the knowledge and efforts of Arviat Elders and the Arviat Historical Society. Details on The Maguse River Place Names Project is presented in this section.
Past & Present The Past and Present section contains informative material on Inuit heritage and tradition. The categories developed include Traditional Medicine, Land Skills, Inuit Games, and Stories/Legends.

Technical Information
To see the Inuktitut on this site, you need: Nunacom Font
To play audio/video on this site, you need:Quicktime.

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Arviat District Education Authority Logo Industry Canada
The Arviat Iglu Web Site Research & Design Team

Important Copyright Note: Printing of pages on this site is allowed for teaching purposes, on condition that recognition be noted of the source of these documents.  No other copying of these pages (in print or on the Web) is allowed without written permission from the Arviat District Education Authority.