Baseball Legends | Credits
Morell and Area Baseball Legends

Baseball History
Team Histories
Baseball Heroes
Timeline of Events
Newspaper Gallery
Site Map
  The images contained on this web site are intended for viewing by students and the general public. The reproduction of material contained here is subject to permission from the copyright holders.
  Permission to publish images or material from the newspaper gallery should be addressed to The Guardian newspaper
The Guardian

  Permission to use any other material found on this site can be obtained by contacting the Morell Region Community Learning Centre.
  We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the people in Morell and surrounding communities whom supported us during this project, especially those who gave their time for interviews, provided scrap books and edited our content for historical and grammatical accuracy. These include Dan Larkin, Kenny 'Trixie' Dunn, George and Anne Morrison, Larry McGuire, Brian McGuire, Walter Bradley, Bill Rooney, Louie Murphy, Bill Connolly, Junior O'Brien, Ed Smith, Dan Sheppard, Ian MacDonald, Jeremy MacDonald, Chris O'Brien, Sterling Jay, Art Coffin, Cecil Shea, Aquanis Ryan, Brian McGuire, Bill Rooney, Joe Keefe and Gene Thompson. Thanks is also extended to the PEI Sports Hall of Fame and Museum and the Eastern Graphic newspaper for granting us access to their material in our research, and to Keith Tanton - curator of the PEI Sports Hall of Fame and Museum - for acting as Project Custodian.
PEI Sports Hall of Fame
The Team
Jason Murphy - Project Coordinator
  After completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Prince Edward Island, Jason attained a Programmer/Analyst Advanced Diploma from the Business Information Systems Development course at Holland College. He joined the Baseball Legends project after having completed a contract as an Internet Facilitator with the PEI Department of Education.

Lori MacLeod
  Lori graduated from CompuCollege in 1997 and received a diploma in Office Administration. Last year, she completed a SchoolNet position with the Eastern School Board. She traveled to various schools across PEI and assisted teachers in building web sites. She worked on the St. Teresa Consolidated School and Spring Park Elementary School's web site. In the future, she hopes to obtain a full time computer related position.

Sharon Laybolt
  Sharon graduated from CompuCollege in Charlottetown with a diploma in Executive Office & Computer Applications in 1997. Though she has worked in many office related positions, this was her first experience with web page construction. During her employment, she learned many new skills from her co-workers. Her future plans include finding long term employment where her existing and newly developed skills can be applied.

Sandy MacGrath
  Sandy is currently attending Morell High School. He has been employed with the Morell Learning Centre in different capacities for over a year now, and has enjoyed all the experience and knowledge he has gained while working there. In September he plans to attend MacKenzie College, to pursue Digital Media. His long term future plans include starting his own web design company.

Ricky Bowley
  Ricky began working at the learning centre with a minor amount of knowledge in the area of web design, and has come out with a better understanding of not only that, but the cooperation of co-workers. In the few months of his work term, Ricky came to appreciate the guiding hand of those more experienced in the field then he. Though he will be sad to leave such an "interesting" work place, he will always have the things he learned imbedded in his mind, and will be grateful to those responsible for that influence.
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