Morell and Area Baseball Legends

Baseball History
Team Histories
Baseball Heroes
Timeline of Events
Newspaper Gallery
Site Map
Welcome to the Morell & Area Baseball Legends web site.

  The word baseball on Prince Edward Island has become synonymous with Morell and surrounding communities. The history of baseball in the area dates back to 1891, when people would gather in farmers' fields after church for a friendly game. More on the history of baseball in the area can be obtained by clicking the "Baseball History" link on the left. Here you can view a slide show or print out a copy of the history. "Team Histories" provide a glimpse at several teams that have competed in Kings County since 1991. We pay homage to several local legends in the "Baseball Heroes" section. These include Mike Kelly, Louis Murphy and Billy Conolly. In the "Timeline of Events", you can view old team photos that are sure to bring back lots of fond memories. Morell baseball teams received a lot of local news coverage throughout the years. Some of these articles can be read in the "Newspaper Gallery".
  While doing research on the subject, we discovered just how passionate people in Morell and Area are about their baseball. As you explore this site, it is our hope that you feel that same passion, and go away with a better understanding of baseball in Morell and surrounding communities.
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