Virtual Exhibit on Canada's Biodiversity

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Insects and Biodiversity Insects and People Insect Characteristics



Playing an important role environmentally

The production of many agricultural crops such as orchard fruits, nuts, vegetables and cotton is possible through the pollination activities of insects. This valuable service has been estimated as being worth $117 billion a year. Many species, which are predaceous or parasitic, act as important biological controls of insect pests and weeds. Certain products used by humans, such as honey, beeswax, silk, shellac and dyes are produced directly by insects. Insects also play an important role in recycling organic matter within the soil. They recycle the corpses of plants and animals and speed up the cycling of nutrients. They are food for many birds, fish and other animals, which are then consumed by people. Sometimes insects themselves are eaten by humans. In Mexico, a certain type of caterpillar (Gusanos de Maguey) found in the maguey plant are fried, then eaten. They are even sold in cans.

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