National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts

Bulletin 6 (III:2), 1965

Annual Index
Author & Subject

A parcel of paintings Sent from 
Glasgow to Montreal in 1782

by Hamish Miles, Lecturer in the History of Art 
University of Glasgow

1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  


1 University of Glasgow Archives, No.1806.

2 Possibly Robert and Walter Hastie: the former was described as an 'American merchant' ('Senex' [i.e. Robert Reid], Glasgow Past and Present, Glasgow, 1884, II, ) 13  p. 415.

3 The Foulis Academy has not been given the attention which, as a phenomenon, it deserves. A general account of it may be pieced together from the following principal" works:

Robert Foulis, A Catalogue of Pictures, Composed and 15 Painted chiefly by the most Admired Masters of the Roman, Florentine, Parman, Bolognese, Venetian, Flemish, and French Schools..., London, 3 vols., 1776; 16 Alexander Campbell, A Journey 'rom Edinburgh through Parts of North Britain..., London, new edn. 1811, II, pp. 269ff; William James Duncan, Notices and Documents Illustrative of the Literary History of Glasgow..., 2nd edn., Glasgow, Maitland Club, 1886, William Gemmell, Early Views of Glasgow, chiefly 'rom the
Foulis Academy,
Glasgow, one vol. and a portfolio, 1913; David Murray, Robert and Andrew Foulis, Glasgow, 1 913; Catalogue of the Foulis Exhibition, University of Glasgow, 1913 (this and the preceding item reprinted as Vol. II of the Records of the Glasgow Bibliographical 16 Society, 1913) ; David Murray, Some Letters of Robert Foulis, Glasgow, 1917 (reprinted from Scottish Historical Review, XIV, 1917, pp, 97ff, 249ff; James Maclehose, The Glasgow University Press, Glasgow, 1931; Robert and Andrew Foulis : an Exhibition..., [David Wilson Reid, compiler], University of Glasgow, 1958 (mimeographed catalogue).

4 Letter from Foulis to Count Bentinck, Paris, 12 June 1752, quoted in Murray, R. & A. Foulis, p. 66.

5 Cf. Murray, op. cit., pp, 62, 66, 

6 'In the Spring 1755, when Medici the Italian painter came here [Glasgow], the apprentices were increased to ten, & all of them desirous of painting..., (Unsigned and undated petition, perhaps by Foulis, to the Rector, Principal, etc., of the University of Glasgow. University of Edinburgh, Laing MSS, Foulis papers) .

7 Murray, R. & A. Foulis, pp. 59-66, 83.

8 University of Glasgow Archives, Nos. 501-2.

9 There are, e.g., two pictures at the University of Glasgow 2' which come from the Foulis collection. They were bought by the University in 1779 from 'friends of the 2' college (Faculty Minutes, 17 May 1779), who in turn must have got them from the preliminary exhibition of Foulis's collection at London in 1776 (Nos. 26 and 80 of the Catalogue of the Pictures at present exhibited at the 21 Great Auction Room, No. 70. in St. Martin's Lane, Charing Cross; being Part of a Magnificent Collection of Pictures, Purchased Robert Foulis..., 2' 1776). The two pictures do not figure in the Foulis sale at Christie's (6- 7 December 1776). Both are described in Foulis's Catalogue of Pictures (I, pp, 93ff, 343ff), one as by Raphael, the other as by Cossiers. The former is a tolerable copy of Raphael's Entombment, with a distinctly Northern flavour; the attribution of the latter, a Martyrdom of St Catherine, gives little, if any, cause for doubt (Cf. A. Laes, 'Autour d'un tableau oublié de Jean Cossiers', Revue Belge d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'Art, XIX, 1950, pp. 43-49).

10 See note 6, above.

11 Andrew Foulis, A Slight Sketch ...of the Glasgow Press and Academy of the Fine Arts, n. p, or d. [17917], p. 5, This pamphlet was printed, but may never have been  published. (Cf. P. Gaskell, A Bibliography of the Foulis Press, London, 1964, No.692).

12 Foulis, Catalogue of Pictures, III, pp. 14-16, as by Rubens (64 x87 inches).

13 Max Rooses, L'Oeuvre de P. P. Rubens, Antwerp, 1886, 1, No.42 ('The Triumph of the Eucharist over Philosophy
 and Science').

14. Letter from Robert Foulis to Col the Hon. Charles York, 21 October 1762 (British Museum, Add. MSS. 35636).

15 Obituary notices of Cochran in Scots Magazine, XLVIII, 1786, pp. 50-51, and in Gentleman's Magazine, LVI (i), 1786, p. 82.

16 For this, as well as for information in notes 17, 27, and 33,  below, I am indebted - and very grateful - to Mr Basil Skinner.

17 Letter from Foulis to a person unknown (Dalrymple MSS.). Cochran's obituarists (see note 15, above) suggest that he was in Italy from the end of 1761 until some time in 1766. If he is correctly identified as the 'young man' in Foulis's letter of 1762 (see note 14, above), and1his is interpreted as meaning that he had
only lately gone to Rome, Cochran's return could be dated as early as 1765.

18 Foulis, Catalogue of Pictures, 1, pp. 23-91 (87 1/2 x 63 inches). Foulis mentions Cochran's copy (ibid., p. xlvii); also an engraving of the subject by another pupil of the Academy, William Buchanan (1736-1772), left unfinished in the year of his death (ibid., p. xv). 

19 Reproduced in, e.g.. T. C. Gordon, David Allan, Alva, 1951, f.p. 8.

20 e.g., in the Diary of Sylas Neville, ed. B. Cozens-Hardy, Oxford, 1950, p. 210.

21 A Catalogue of Pictures, Drawings, Prints, Statues...done at the Academy in the University of Glasgow, [Glasgow], n. d. [P. Gaskell, op. cit., No.352, as 1758- but later?]; reprinted in Duncan, Notices and Documents, pp. 91ff (the picture referred to here, p. 95). The catalogue was re-issued under a different title-page, London, 1776. The necessity for publicising the work of the Academy by means of a catalogue had been put to Foulis in 1757 (Cf. Duncan, op. cit.. p. 27).

22 Foulis, Catalogue of Pictures, 111, p. 40 (38 1/2 x 77 inches).

23 See note 1, above.

24 Foulis, Catalogue of Pictures, 1, p.xlvii.

25 Campbell, A Journey, p. 272.

26 G. C. Groce & D. H. Wallace, The New-York Historical Society's Dictionary of Artists in America, New Haven, 1957, ad vocero.

27 Hamilton Stevenson's will, 26 March 1788 (Scottish Records Office).

28 Duncan, Notices and Documents, p. 96.

29. Letter from R. Gough to M. Tyson, 29 September 1771 quoted in Murray, R. & A. Foulis, p. 89.

30 Richard Gough, British Topography, London, 1780, II, p.703.

31 Campbell, A Journey, p. 273.

32 Foulis, Catalogue of Pictures, 1, pp. xlvii, 145. Andrew Foulis (op. cit., pp. 4-5) gives the date of this or another copy as 1789-93 and offers it for sale (10 x 15 feet).

33 A. Bertolotti, 'Esportazione di Oggetti di Belli Arti da Roma...', in Archivio Storico, Artistico e Archeologico di Città e Provincia di Roma, 1875.

34. W. J. Macaulay, 'A Scottish Conversation Piece', Scottish Art Review, III, No.4, 1951, pp.14-16, re-produced.

35 Cf. Murray, R. & A. Foulis, pp. 62, 81; Duncan, Notices
and Documents,
pp. 100-9, 111.

36 See Ch. Le Blanc, Catalogue de l'Oeuvre de Robert Strange, Leipzig, 1848, Nos. 39, 38, and 25, respectively.

37 Glasgow Art Gallery, No.471.

38 The engraving (plate size 30 7/8 x 14 7/8 inches) is so dated
Cf. Duncan, Notices and Documents, p.86.

39 Murray, R. & A. Foulis, p. 76. The Catalogue of the Foulis Exhibition, 1913, p. 33, attributes The engraving to Aveline, but offers no reasons for doing So.

40 F. Q'Donoghue & H. Hake, Catalogue of Engraved British the British Museum, London, 1908, I.advocem, No. 12 (plalesize 4 7/8 x 3 1/8 inches). 

41 Foulis, Catalogue of Pictures, II, p. 68. The picture was in fact a copy of the Parmigianino now in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna (No.62 : reproduced in S. Freedberg, Parmigianino, Cambridge, Mass., 1950, pl. 79).

42 Plate size 20 3/8 x 10 1/2 inches.

43 The span of his dated engravings.

44 Duncan, Notices and Documents, p. 101. 

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