National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada

Author & Subject 

Annual Index
Author & Subject

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K  

L   M   N   O   P   R   S   T   U  V  W

The Following index covers all articles in the complete run of the National Gallery of Canada Bulletin (nos. 1-30; 1963-1977) and Annual Bulletin (nos. 1-8; 1977/78-1984/85). It does not cover the annual review sections (listing acquisitions, exhibitions, publications, etc.) of the Annual Bulletin. Since virtually every article published in the Bulletin and Annual Bulletin is illustrated, this information does not appear in the citation.

Signed articles are indexed by author and subject; unsigned articles are indexed by subject. Subject headings are based on international standards as outlined in the Library of Congress Subject Headings and Canadian Subject Headings (National Library of Canada). Names indexed as subjects are also standardized in accordance with Library of Congress and National Library of Canadian authorities.

Article titles have been standardized with respect to punctuation, italicization, and capitalization. The presence of a title in both English and French indicates that the article was published in both languages; in all other instances, a summary was published in the second language. In the case of a discrepancy between the title as it appears in the table of contents, only the former is recorded.



Philippe Verdier. "A Christianized and Neo-Classicized Roman Tazza" / « Une très rare tazza romaine christianisée et néo-classicisée ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 52-61.

Allaire, Sylvain

"The Charles Huot Paintings in Saint-Sauveur Church, Quebec City" / « Les tableaux de Charles Huot à l'église Saint-Sauveur ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 16-30.

Art and photography - Canada

Ann Thomas. "Notes on the Relationship of Photography and Painting in Canada, 1860-1900." Bulletin 20 (1972), p. 22-37, 39.

Art, Canadian

R. F. Wodehouse. "Addenda and Corrigenda to the Catalogue of the Centennial Exhibition, A Pageant of Canada." Bulletin 11 (1968), p. 29-30.

"Addenda and Corrigenda to the Catalogue of the Centennial Exhibition Three Hundred Years of Canadian Art, 12 May-17 September 1967" / « Addenda au catalogue de l'exposition organisée à l'occasion du Centenaire de la Confédération, Trois cent ans d'art canadien 12 mai-17 septembre, 1967 ». Bulletin 12 (1968), p. 34-35.

Art, Canadian - Québec (Province) - History

Jean-Paul Morisset. « Vers une histoire de l'art au Canada français». Bulletin 2 (1963), p. 15-17, 27.

Art - Conservation and restoration

Nathan Stolow. "From the Laboratory of the National Gallery." Bulletin 2 (1963), p. 1-14, 26.

Art, French-Canadian - History

Jean-Paul Morisset. « Vers une histoire de l'art au Canada français». Bulletin 2 (1963), p. 15-17, 27.

Art - Marketing - Canada

Hamish Miles. "A Parcel of Paintings Sent from Glasgow to Montreal in 1782." Bulletin 6 (1965), p. 1-7, 31.

Art objects, Italian - Italy - Rome

Philippe Verdier. "A Christianized and Neo-Classicized Roman Tazza" / « Une très rare tazza romaine christianisée et néo-classicisée ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 52-61.

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Bandiera, John D.

"The Shepherd Paris of Jean-Germain Drouais" / « Le berger Pâris de Jean-Germain Drouais ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 7 (1983-1984), p. 11-30.

Barnsley, James Macdonald, 1861-1929

J. Barry Lord. "J. M. Barnsley in the National Gallery." Bulletin 5 (1965), p. 1-7, 32.

Bartolommeo Veneto, fl. 1502-1531

Creighton Gilbert. "Bartolommeo Veneto and His Portrait of a Lady." Bulletin 22 (1973), p. 2-16, 42.

Bellotto, Bernardo, 1721-1780

Terisio Pignatti. "Bernardo Bellotto's Venetian Period (1738-1743)." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 1-17, 47.

Berczy, William, 1744-1813

Gloria Lesser. "William Berczy's Portraits of Joseph Brant"
« Portraits de Joseph Brant par William Berczy »
. Annual Bulletin /Bulletin Annuel 6 (1982-1983), p. 9-28.

Bissell, R. Ward

"Orazio Gentileschi and the Theme of 'Lot and His Daughters.'" Bulletin 14 (1969), p. 16-33, 35.

Black, Mary Childs

Mary Childs Black, Stuart P. Feld. "'Drawn by I. Bradley From Great Britton.'" Bulletin 8 (1966), p. 1-8, 29.

Bloemaert, Abraham, 1564-1651

Pamela Osler. "Notes on Two Drawings by Abraham Bloemaert." Bulletin 7 (1966), p. 25-29, 31.

Blom, Willem A.

"Notes on an Eighteenth-Century Dutch Painting." Bulletin 3 (1964), p. 24-29, 32.

Boggs, Jean Sutherland

"Danseuses à la barre by Degas." Bulletin 3 (1964), p. 1-9, 32.

"Von Dongen's Souvenir de la Saison d'Opéra Russe, 1909." Bulletin 11 (1968), p. 14-19, 31.

Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, c. 1217-1274

Joel Brink. "Simone Martini's St Catherine of Alexandria: An Orvietan Altarpiece and the Mystical Theology of St Bonaventure" / « La Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie de Simone Martini : un retable orviétan et la théologie mystique de saint Bonaventure ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 3 (1979-1980), p. 37-56.

Borduas, Paul-Émile, 1905-1960

Bernard Teyssèdre. « Borduas: Sous le vent de l'île ». Bulletin 12 (1968), p. 22-31, 33.

Jean-René Ostiguy. « Un critère pour juger l'œuvre de Borduas ». Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 10-15, 32.

François-Marc Gagnon. "Paul-Émile Borduas' Nature's Parachutes: Towards a Definition of Borduas' Pictorial 'Surrealism'" / « À propos de Parachutes végétaux de Paul-Émile Borduas. Essai de Définition du "surréalisme" pictural de 
Borduas »
. Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 4 (1980-1981), p. 8-25.

Bradley, John, fl. 1830-1845

Mary Childs Black, Stuart P. Feld. "'Drawn by I. Bradley From Great Britton.'" Bulletin 8 (1966), p. 1-8, 29.

Mervyn Ruggles. "A Resurrected Portrait and Its Case History." Bulletin 8 (1966), p. 9-15, 30.

Brant, Joseph, 1742-1807

Gloria Lesser. "William Berczy's Portraits of Joseph Brant"
« Portraits de Joseph Brant par William Berczy »
. Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 6 (1982-1983), p. 9-28.

Brink, Joel

"Simone Martini's St Catherine of Alexandria: An Orvietan Altarpiece and the Mystical Theology of St Bonaventure" / « La Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie de Simone Martini: un retable orviétan et la théologie mystique de saint Bonaventure ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 3 (1979-1980), p. 37-56.

Brownell, Franklin, 1857-1946

Mervyn Ruggles. "Conservation Treatment of a Painting by the Transfer Method." Bulletin 5 (1965), p. 26-31, 32.

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Callot, Jacques, 1592-1635

Mary C. Taylor. "A Drawing by Jacques Callot." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 39-40, 50.

Canadian National Exhibition (Toronto, Ont.)

Sybille Pantazzi. "Foreign Art at the Canadian National Exhibition 1905-1938." Bulletin 22 (1973), p. 21-41, 43.

Canadian War Memorials Collection

Robert F. Wodehouse. "Orpen Portraits in the Canadian War Memorials Collection." Bulletin 6 (1965), p. 20-30, 31.

Canova, Antonio, 1757-1822

Hugh, Honour. "Canova's Statue of a Dancer." Bulletin 11 (1968), p. 2-13, 31.

Caron, Antoine, 1521-1599

W. McAllister Johnson. "The Monumental Style of Fontainebleau and Its Consequences: Antoine Caron and 'The Submission of Milan.'" Bulletin 26 (1975), p. 11-23, 39.

Carr, Emily, 1871-1945

Maria Tippett. "Emily Carr's 'Blunden Harbour.'" Bulletin 25 (1975), p. 33-37, 39.

Carter, Alexandra E.

"Lyttleton's View of Halifax: Microscopic Cosmos." Bulletin 25 (1975), p. 19-32, 40.

Cézanne, Paul, 1839-1906

Douglas Druick. "Cézanne, Vollard, and Lithography: The Ottawa Maquette for the 'Large Bathers' Colour Lithograph." Bulletin 19 (1972), p. 2-35.

Jean-René Ostiguy. "The Influence of Cézanne on Adrien Hébert" / « Les influences cézanniennes chez Adrien Hébert ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 7 (1983-1984), p. 31-45.

Chandos, James Brydges, Duke of, 1674-1744

J. Douglas Stewart. "Chandos, Marlborough and Kneller: Painting and 'Protest' in the Age of Queen Anne." Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 24-32, 35.

Chiarini, Marco

« Gaspard Dughet: Un nouveau dessin apparenté aux gouaches de la galerie Colonna ». Bulletin 22 (1973), p. 17-20, 44.

Church architecture - Quebec (Province) - Trois-Rivières

John R. Porter, Léopold Désy. « L'ancienne chapelle des Récollets de Trois-Rivières ». Bulletin 18 (1971), p. 2-35.

Churchill, Charles, 1720-1812

Mervyn Ruggles. "A Reynolds Revived." Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 16-23, 34-35.

Clodion, 1738-1814

Terence Hodgkinson. "A Clodion Statuette in the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 24 (1974), p. 13-21, 36.

Colville, Alex, 1920-

Patrick Hutchings. "Realism, Surrealism and Celebration: The Paintings of Alex Colville in the Collection of the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 8 (1966), p. 16-28, 30.


Hamish Miles. "A Parcel of Paintings Sent from Glasgow to Montreal in 1782." Bulletin 6 (1965), p. 1-7, 31.

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Daumier, Honoré, 1808-1879

Willard E. Misfeldt. "Daumier's Travellers." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 18-24, 47-48.

Degas, Edgar, 1834-1917

Jean Sutherland Boggs. "Danseuses à la barre by Degas." Bulletin 3 (1964), p. 1-9, 32.

Derome, Robert

« Charles Huot et la peinture d'histoire au Palais législatif de Québec (1883-1930) ». Bulletin 27 (1976), p. 2-44.

Désy, Léopold

John R. Porter, Léopold Désy. « L'ancienne chapelle des Récollets de Trois-Rivières ». Bulletin 18 (1971), p. 2-35

John R. Porter, Léopold Désy. « Le Souper d'Emmaüs dans la sculpture du Québec ». Bulletin 23 (1974), p. 17-30, 32.

Dobai, Johannes

"Gustav Klimt's 'Hope I.'" Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 2-15, 33.

Dongen, Kees van, 1877-1968

Jean Sutherland Boggs. "Van Dongen's Souvenir de la Saison d'Opéra Russe, 1909." Bulletin 11 (1968), p. 14-19, 31.

Dorais, Lucie

« Deux moments dans la vie et l'œuvre de James Wilson 
Morrice ».
Bulletin 30 (1977), p. 19-35.

Drouais, Jean-Germain, 1763-1788

John D. Bandiera. "The Shepherd Paris of Jean-Germain Drouais" / « Le berger Pâris de Jean-Germain Drouais ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 7 (1983-1984), p. 11-30.

Druick, Douglas

"Cézanne, Vollard, and Lithography: The Ottawa Maquette for the 'Large Bathers' Colour Lithograph." Bulletin 19 (1972), p. 2-35.

Dughet, Gaspard, 1615-1675

Marco Chiarini. « Un nouveau dessin apparenté aux gouaches de la galérie Colonna ». Bulletin 22 (1973), p. 17-20, 44.

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Egypt - Antiquities

"The Installation of a Special Exhibition" / « Installation d'une exposition spéciale ». Bulletin 5 (1965), p. 8-15.

Enamel and enameling

Philippe Verdier. "Four Sixteenth-Century Painted Enamels" /       « Quatre émaux peints du XVIe siècle ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 6 (1982-1983), p. 29-41.

Ensor, James, 1860-1949

Gert Schiff. "James Ensor: Skeletons in the Studio" / « James Ensor: Squelettes à l'atelier ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 4 (1980-1981), p. 26-38.

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Feld, Stuart P.

Mary Childs Black, Stuart P. Feld. "'Drawn by I. Bradley From Great Britton.'" Bulletin 8 (1966), p. 1-8, 29.

Fenwick, Kathleen M.

"The Collection of Drawings." Bulletin 4 (1964), p. 1-13, 32.

Ferino Pagden, Sylvia

"A Re-Examination of the 'Raphael' Drawing in the National Gallery of Canada" / « Nouvel examen du dessin de "Raphaël" à la Galerie nationale du Canada ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 3 (1979-1980), p. 57-66.

Field, Robert, 1769-1819

Barry Lord. "Portraits of a Young Hero: Two Versions of Robert Field's 'Portrait of Lieutenant Provo William Parry Wallis.'" Bulletin 20 (1972), p. 13-21, 39.

Fontainebleau school of art

W. McAllister Johnson. "The Monumental Style of Fontainebleau and Its Consequences: Antoine Caron and 'The Submission of Milan.'" Bulletin 26 (1975), p. 11-23, 39.

Fortin, Marc-Aurèle, 1888-1970

Jean-René Ostiguy. « Marc-Aurèle Fortin et la maison dans la peinture canadienne ». Bulletin 5 (1965), p. 16-25, 32.

Fox, Ross

"Henry D. Thielcke: A Recently Found Portrait and Some Reflections on Thielcke's Links with the English School." Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 8 (1984-1985), p. 20-28, 29.

Franciscan Recollects

John R. Porter, Léopold Désy. « L'ancienne chapelle des Récollets de Trois-Rivières ». Bulletin 18 (1971), p. 2-35.

Freiman, Lillian, 1908-1968

Francine Sarrasin. "Musical Iconography and Sketches in the National Gallery: Street Musicians by Lillian Freiman and Orchestra Sketch by Pegi Nicol" / « L'iconographie musicale et les dessins de la Galerie nationale : Musiciens des rues de Lillian Freiman et L'orchestre de Pegi Nicol ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 5 (1981-1982), p. 36-49.

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Gaehtgens, Thomas W.

"Bacchus and Ariadne, by Antoine-Jean Gros" / « Bacchus et Ariane de Antoine-Jean Gros ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 63-79.

Gagnon, François-Marc

"Paul-Émile Borduas' Nature's Parachutes: Towards a Definition of Borduas' Pictorial 'Surrealism'" / « À propos de Parachutes végétaux de Paul-Émile Borduas. Essai de Définition du "surréalisme" pictural de Borduas ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 4 (1980-1981), p. 8-25.

Galavaris, George

"'Christ with Saints Alexandra and Agatha': A Russian Icon in the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 26 (1975), p. 24-38, 40.

Gentileschi, Orazio, 1563?-1638?

R. Ward Bissell. "Orazio Gentileschi and the Theme of 'Lot and His Daughters.'" Bulletin 14 (1969), p. 16-33, 35.

Gilbert, Creighton

"Bartolommeo Veneto and His Portrait of a Lady." Bulletin 22 (1973), p. 2-16, 42.

Giroux, Sylvia

« Le choléra à Québec : un tableau de Joseph Légaré ». Bulletin 20 (1972), p. 3-12, 38.

Gothic Revival (Architecture) - Canada

R. H. Hubbard. "Modern Gothic in Canada." Bulletin 25 (1975), p. 3-18, 38-39.

Gozzoli, Benozzo, 1420-1497

Pierre Hurtubise. "Lotto di Giovanni Salviati and The Virgin and Child with Saints by Benozzo Gozzoli in the National Gallery of Canada" / « Lotto di Giovanni Salviati et La Vierge à l'Enfant entourée de Saints de Benozzo Gozzoli à la Galerie nationale du Canada ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 5 (1981-1982), p. 29-35.

Gros, Antoine-Jean, Baron, 1771-1835

Thomas W. Gaehtgens. "Bacchus and Ariadne, by Antoine-Jean Gros" / « Bacchus et Ariane de Antoine-Jean Gros ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 63-79.

Group of Seven (Group of Artists)

Sybille Pantazzi. "Book Illustration and Design by Canadian Artists 1890-1940, with a list of books illustrated by members of the Group of Seven." Bulletin 7 (1966), p. 6-24, 30-31.

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Hanlan, J. F.

R. M. Myers, J. F. Hanlan. "The Compositional Analysis of French-Canadian Church Silver." Bulletin 21 (1973), p. 22-33, 35.

Harper, J. Russell

"Ontario Painters 1846-1867: A Study of Art at the Upper Canada Provincial Exhibitions." Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 16-31, 32.

Harris, Ann Sutherland

"Andrea Sacchi's 'Portrait of a Cardinal.'" Bulletin 14 (1969), p. 9-15, 34.

Harris, Lawren, 1885-1970

Peter Larisey. "Nationalist Aspects of Lawren S. Harris's Aesthetics." Bulletin 23 (1974), p. 3-9, 31

Peter Larisey. "A Portfolio of Landscapes by Lawren S. Harris". /
 « Carton de paysages de Lawren S. Harris » Bulletin 23 (1974), p. 10-16.

Harris, Robert, 1849-1919

Moncrieff Williamson. "Robert Harris and The Fathers of Confederation." Bulletin 12 (1968), p. 8-21, 32-33.

Hébert, Adrien, 1890-1967

Jean-René Ostiguy. "The Influence of Cézanne on Adrien Hébert" / « Les influences cézanniennes chez Adrien Hébert ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 7 (1983-1984), p. 31-45.

Hodgkinson, Terence

"A Clodion Statuette in the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 24 (1974), p. 13-21, 36.

Honing, Adriaen

Marcel Röthlisberger. « À la recherche d'Adriaen Honing ». Bulletin 4 (1964), p. 14-21, 32.

Honour, Hugh

"Canova's Statue of a Dancer." Bulletin 11 (1968), p. 2-13, 31.

Hubbard, R. H.

"European and American Painting and Sculpture: A Review of Accessions since the Catalogues of 1957 and 1959." Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 2-9, 31.

"Modern Gothic in Canada." Bulletin 25 (1975), p. 3-18, 38-39.

Huot, Charles E., 1855-1930

Robert Derome. « Charles Huot et la peinture d'histoire au Palais législatif de Québec (1883-1930) ». Bulletin 27 (1976), p. 2-44.

Sylvain Allaire. "The Charles Huot Paintings in Saint-Sauveur Church, Quebec City" / « Les tableaux de Charles Huot à l'église Saint-Sauveur ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 16-30.

Hurtubise, Pierre

"Lotto di Giovanni Salviati and The Virgin and Child with Saints by Benozzo Gozzoli in the National Gallery of Canada" / « Lotto di Giovanni Salviati et La Vierge à l'Enfant entourée de Saints de Benozzo Gozzoli à la Galerie nationale du Canada ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 5 (1981-1982), p. 29-35.

Hutchings, Patrick

"Realism, Surrealism and Celebration: The Paintings of Alex Colville in the Collection of the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 8 (1966), p. 16-28, 30.

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Icons, Russian

George Galavaris. "'Christ with Saints Alexandra and Agatha': A Russian Icon in the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 26 (1975), p. 24-38, 40.

Illustration of books - Canada

Sybille Pantazzi. "Book Illustration and Design by Canadian Artists 1890-1940, with a list of books illustrated by members of the Group of Seven." Bulletin 7 (1966), p. 6-24, 30-31.

Illustration of books - Quebec (Province)

Jean-René Ostiguy. "A Selection of Books Illustrated by Quebec Artists between 1916 and 1946" / « Un choix de livres illustrés par des artistes québecois entre 1916 et 1946 ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 3 (1979-1980), p. 15-36.

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Jackson, A. Y. (Alexander Young), 1882-1974

Rosemarie L. Tovell. "A.Y. Jackson in France, Belgium and Holland: A 1909 Sketchbook" / « A.Y. Jackson en France, en Belgique et en Hollande : carnet de croquis de 1909 ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 31-51.

Jaffé, Michael

Reflections on the Jordaens Exhibition [including "Jordaens and Calvinism," "Jordaens's Use of Paper," and "Notes on the Catalogue"] / Commentaires sur l'exposition Jordaens [incluant « Jordaens et le calvinisme », « L'usage du papier chez Jordaens », et « Notes sur le catalogue »]. Bulletin 13 (1969), p. 2-39.

Johnson, W. McAllister

"The Monumental Style of Fontainebleau and Its Consequences: Antoine Caron and 'The Submission of Milan.'" Bulletin 26 (1975), p. 11-23, 39.

Jordaens, Jacob, 1593-1678

Michael Jaffé. Reflections on the Jordaens Exhibition [including "Jordaens and Calvinism," "Jordaens's Use of Paper," and "Notes on the Catalogue"] / Commentaires sur l'exposition Jordaens [incluant « Jordaens et le calvinisme », « L'usage du papier chez Jordaens », et «Notes sur le catalogue »] Bulletin 13 (1969), p. 2-39.

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Kanter, Laurence B.

"Ugolino di Nerio: Saint Anne and the Virgin" / « Ugolino di Nerio : Sainte Anne et la Vierge enfant ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 5 (1981-1982), p. 9-28.

Klimt, Gustav, 1862-1918

Johannes Dobai. "Gustav Klimt's 'Hope I.'" Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 2-15, 33.

Kneller, Godfrey, Sir, 1646-1723

J. Douglas Stewart. "Chandos, Marlborough and Kneller: Painting and 'Protest' in the Age of Queen Anne." Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 24-32, 35.

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Lacroix, Laurier

« La chapelle de l'évêché de Sherbrooke: quelques dessins préparatoires d'Ozias Leduc ». Bulletin 30 (1977), p. 3-18, 36.

Larisey, Peter

"Nationalist Aspects of Lawren S. Harris's Aesthetics." Bulletin 23 (1974), p. 3-9, 31.

"A Portfolio of Landscapes by Lawren S. Harris" / « Carton de paysages de Lawren S. Harris ». Bulletin 23 (1974), p. 10-16.

Laughton, Bruce

"Millet's 'Saint Jerome Tempted' and 'Oedipus Taken Down from the Tree': The Discovery of a Lost Painting." Bulletin 24 (1974), p. 2-12, 35.

Leclerc, Denise

« Harold Town et l'art du collage: À propos de Musique à l'arrière, 1958-1959 ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 8 (1984-1985), p. 7-17, 19.

Leduc, Ozias, 1864-1955

Laurier Lacroix. « La chapelle de l'évêché de Sherbrooke : quelques dessins préparatoires d'Ozias Leduc ». Bulletin 30 (1977), p. 3-8, 36.

Jean-René Ostiguy. « Étude des dessins préparatoires à la décoration du baptistère de l'église Notre-Dame de Montréal ». Bulletin 15 (1970), p. 2-39.

Légaré, Joseph, 1795-1855

Sylvia Giroux. « Le choléra à Québec : un tableau de Joseph Légaré ». Bulletin 20 (1972), p. 3-12, 38.

Lesser, Gloria

"William Berczy's Portraits of Joseph Brant" / « Portraits de Joseph Brant par William Berczy ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 6 (1982-1983), p. 9-28.

Lismer, Arthur, 1885-1969

Barry Lord. "Georgian Bay and the Development of the 'September Gale' Theme in Arthur Lismer's Painting, 1912-21." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 28-38, 49.

Lord, Barry (J. Barry)

"Georgian Bay and the Development of the September Gale Theme in Arthur Lismer's Painting, 1912-21." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 28-38, 49.

"J. M. Barnsley in the National Gallery." Bulletin 5 (1965), p. 1-7, 32.

"Portraits of a Young Hero: Two Versions of Robert Field's 'Portrait of Lieutenant Provo William Parry Wallis.'" Bulletin 20 (1972), p. 13-21, 39.

Lowe, Ian

"Two Paintings by Abraham Solomon." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 41-46, 50.

Lyttleton, Westcott Witchurch, 1818-1879

Alexandra E. Carter. "Lyttleton's View of Halifax: Microscopic Cosmos." Bulletin 25 (1975), p. 19-32, 40.

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MacLeod, Pegi Nicol, 1904-1949

Francine Sarrasin. "Musical Iconography and Sketches in the National Gallery: Street Musicians by Lillian Freiman and Orchestra Sketch by Pegi Nicol" / « L'iconographie musicale et les dessins de la Galerie nationale : Musiciens des rues de Lillian Freiman et L'orchestre de Pegi Nicol ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 5 (1981-1982), p. 36-49.

McTavish, David

"Speculations on Two Drawings Attributed to Giorgio Vasari." Bulletin 28 (1976), p. 16-28, 29.

Marion, Salomon, 1782-1832

Jean Trudel. « Étude sur une statue en argent de Salomon
Marion »
. Bulletin 21 (1973), p. 3-21, 34.

Martini, Simone, 1283-1344

Joel Brink. "Simone Martini's St Catherine of Alexandria: An Orvietan Altarpiece and the Mystical Theology of St Bonaventure" / « La Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie de Simone Martini: un retable orviétan et la théologie mystique de saint Bonaventure ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 3 (1979-1980), p. 37-56.

Middeldorf, Ulrich

"Two Lombard Decorative Reliefs." Bulletin 14 (1969), p. 2-8, 34.

Miles, Hamish

"A Parcel of Paintings Sent from Glasgow to Montreal in 1782." Bulletin 6 (1965), p. 1-7, 31.

Millet, Jean-François, 1814-1875

Bruce Laughton. "Millet's 'Saint Jerome Tempted' and 'Oedipus Taken Down from the Tree': The Discovery of a Lost Painting." Bulletin 24 (1974), p. 2-12, 35.

Milne, David, 1882-1953

R. F. Wodehouse. "David Milne: 1918-19." Bulletin 2 (1963), p. 18-26, 27.

Mino, Yutaka

Yutaka Mino, Katherine Tsiang. "Mandarin Ducks in Sixteenth-Century Chinese Porcelain: A Wan-li Bowl in the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 28 (1976), p. 3-15, 29.

Misfeldt, Willard E.

"Daumier's Travellers." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 18-24, 47-48.

Mondrian, Piet, 1872-1944

Robert Welsh. "The Place of 'Composition 12 with Small Blue Square' in the Art of Piet Mondrian." Bulletin 29 (1977), p. 3-32.

Montagu, Jennifer

"Massimiliano Soldani's 'Venus Plucking the Wings of Cupid.'" Bulletin 24 (1974), p. 22-34, 36.

Moore, Henry, 1898-1986

Alan G. Wilkinson. "Henry Moore's Reclining Woman" / « Femme couchée de Henry Moore ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 1 (1977-1978), p. 33-55.

Moreau, Gustave, 1826-1898

Pamela G. Osler. "Gustave Moreau: Some Drawings from the Italian Sojourn." Bulletin 11 (1968), p. 20-28, 31.

Morisset, Jean-Paul

« Vers une histoire de l'art au Canada français ». Bulletin 2 (1963), p. 15-17, 27.

Morrice, James Wilson, 1865-1924

Lucie Dorais. « Deux moments dans la vie et l'œuvre de James Wilson Morrice ». Bulletin 30 (1977), p. 19-35.

Music in art

Francine Sarrasin. "Musical Iconography and Sketches in the National Gallery: Street Musicians by Lillian Freiman and Orchestra Sketch by Pegi Nicol" / « L'iconographie musicale et les dessins de la Galerie nationale : Musiciens des rues de Lillian Freiman et L'orchestre de Pegi Nicol ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 5 (1981-1982), p. 36-49.

Myers, R. M.

R. M. Myers, J. F. Hanlan. "The Compositional Analysis of French-Canadian Church Silver." Bulletin 21 (1973), p. 22-33, 35.

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National Gallery of Canada

"Addenda and Corrigenda to the Catalogue of the Centennial Exhibition Three Hundred Years of Canadian Art, 12 May-17 September 1967" / « Addenda au catalogue de l'exposition organisée à l'occasion du Centenaire de la Confédération, Trois cent ans d'art canadien 12 mai-17 septembre, 1967 ». Bulletin 12 (1968), p. 34-35.

Kathleen M. Fenwick. "The Collection of Drawings." Bulletin 4 (1964), p. 1-13, 32.

R. H. Hubbard. "European and American Painting and Sculpture: A Review of Accessions since the Catalogues of 1957 and 1959." Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 2-9, 31.

"Recent Acquisitions" / « Nouvelles acquisitions ». Bulletin 3 (1964), p. 10-23, Bulletin 6 (1965), p. 8-19.

Notre-Dame de Montréal (Church)

Jean-René Ostiguy. « Étude des dessins préparatoires à la décoration du baptistère de l'église Notre-Dame de Montréal ». Bulletin 15 (1970), p. 2-39.

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Orpen, William, Sir, 1878-1931

Robert F. Wodehouse. "Orpen Portraits in the Canadian War Memorials Collection." Bulletin 6 (1965), p. 20-30, 31.

Osler, Pamela (Pamela G.)

"Gustave Moreau: Some Drawings from the Italian Sojourn." Bulletin 11 (1968), p. 20-28, 31.

"Notes on Two Drawings by Abraham Bloemaert." Bulletin 7 (1966), p. 25-29, 31.

Ostiguy, Jean-René

« Un critère pour juger l'œuvre de Borduas ». Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 10-15, 32.

« Étude des dessins préparatoires à la décoration du baptistère de l'église Notre-Dame de Montréal ». Bulletin 15 (1970), p. 2-39.

"The Influence of Cézanne on Adrien Hébert" / « Les influences cézanniennes chez Adrien Hébert ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 7 (1983-1984), p. 31-45.

« Marc-Aurèle Fortin et la maison dans la peinture canadienne ». Bulletin 5 (1965), p. 16-25, 32.

« À propos d'un portrait d'Alfred Pellan ». Bulletin 12 (1968), p. 2-7, 32.

"A Selection of Books Illustrated by Quebec Artists between 1916 and 1946" / « Un choix de livres illustrés par des artistes québecois entre 1916 et 1946 ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 3 (1979-1980), p. 15-36.

Ouwater, Isaak, 1750-1793

Willem A. Blom. "Notes on an Eighteenth-Century Dutch Painting." Bulletin 3 (1964), p. 24-29, 32.

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Painting, American

R. H. Hubbard. "European and American Painting and Sculpture: A Review of Accessions since the Catalogues of 1957 and 1959." Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 2-9, 31.

Painting, British

J. Douglas Stewart. "Chandos, Marlborough and Kneller: Painting and 'Protest' in the Age of Queen Anne." Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 24-32, 35.

Painting, Canadian

Ann Thomas. "Notes on the Relationship of Photography and Painting in Canada, 1860-1900." Bulletin 20 (1972), p. 22-37, 39.

Painting, Canadian - Ontario

J. Russell Harper. "Ontario Painters 1846-1867: A Study of Art at the Upper Canada Provincial Exhibitions." Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 16-31, 32.

Painting - Conservation and restoration

Mervyn Ruggles. "Combination of Transfer and Marouflage Treatment of a Homer Watson Painting." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 25-27, 48.

Mervyn Ruggles. "Conservation Treatment of a Painting by the Transfer Method." Bulletin 5 (1965), p. 26-31, 32.

Mervyn Ruggles. "A Resurrected Portrait and Its Case History." Bulletin 8 (1966), p. 9-15, 30.

Mervyn Ruggles. "A Reynolds Revived." Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 16-23, 34-35.

Painting, European

R. H. Hubbard. "European and American Painting and Sculpture: A Review of Accessions since the Catalogues of 1957 and 1959." Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 2-9, 31.

Pantazzi, Sybille

"Book Illustration and Design by Canadian Artists 1890-1940, with a list of books illustrated by members of the Group of Seven." Bulletin 7 (1966), p. 6-24, 30-31.

"Foreign Art at the Canadian National Exhibition 1905-1938." Bulletin 22 (1973), p. 21-41, 43.

Parmigianino, 1503-1540

A. E. Popham. "Two Drawings by Parmigianino." Bulletin 4 (1964), p. 22-31, 33.

Pellan, Alfred, 1906-1988

Jean-René Ostiguy. « À propos d'un portrait d'Alfred Pellan ». Bulletin 12 (1968), p. 2-7, 32.

Pénicaud (Family)

Philippe Verdier. "Four Sixteenth-Century Painted Enamels"
« Quatre émaux peints du XVIe siècle »
. Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 6 (1982-1983), p. 29-41.

Photography - Canada

Ann Thomas. "Notes on the Relationship of Photography and Painting in Canada, 1860-1900." Bulletin 20 (1972), p. 22-37, 39.

Pignatti, Terisio

"Bernardo Bellotto's Venetian Period (1738-1743)." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 1-17, 47.

Poelenburch, Cornelis van, 1593-1667

Malcolm Waddingham. "A Poelenburch in the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 26 (1975), p. 3-10, 39.

Popham, A. E.

"Two Drawings by Parmigianino." Bulletin 4 (1964), p. 22-31, 33.

Porcelain, Chinese - Ming-Ching dynasties, 1368-1912

Yutaka Mino, Katherine Tsiang. "Mandarin Ducks in Sixteenth-Century Chinese Porcelain: A Wan-li Bowl in the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 28 (1976), p. 3-15, 29.

Porter, John R.

John R. Porter, Léopold Désy. « L'ancienne chapelle des Récollets de Trois-Rivières ». Bulletin 18 (1971), p. 2-35.

John R. Porter, Léopold Désy. « Le Souper d'Emmaüs dans la sculpture du Québec ». Bulletin 23 (1974), p. 17-30 p. 32.

Preti, Mattia, 1613-1699

John T. Spike. "Mattia Preti: The Feast of Absalom" / « Festin d'Absalom de Mattia Preti ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 1 (1977-1978), p. 17-32.

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Raphael, 1483-1520

Sylvia Ferino Pagden. "A Re-Examination of the 'Raphael' Drawing in the National Gallery of Canada" / « Nouvel examen du dessin de "Raphaël" à la Galerie nationale du Canada ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 3 (1979-1980), p. 57-66.

Reid, Dennis

"Photographs by Tom Thomson." Bulletin 16 (1970), p. 2-36.

Relief (Sculpture) - Lombardy

Ulrich Middeldorf. "Two Lombard Decorative Reliefs." Bulletin 14 (1969), p. 2-8, 34.

Restout, Jean, 1692-1768

Pierre Rosenberg, Antoine Schnapper. "Paintings by Restout on Mythological and Historical Themes: Acquisition by the National Gallery of Canada of Venus Presenting Arms to Aeneas" / « Les peintures à sujets mythologiques et historiques de Restout : à propos de l'achat, par la Galerie nationale du Canada, de Vénus montrant ses armes à Enée ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 6 (1982-1983), p. 42-54.

Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-1792

Mervyn Ruggles. "A Reynolds Revived." Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 16-23, 34-35.

Röthlisberger, Marcel

« À la recherche d'Adriaen Honing ». Bulletin 4 (1964), p. 14-21, 32.

Rosenberg, Pierre

Pierre Rosenberg, Antoine Schnapper. "Paintings by Restout on Mythological and Historical Themes: Acquisition by the National Gallery of Canada of Venus Presenting Arms to Aeneas" / « Les peintures à sujets mythologiques et historiques de Restout : à propos de l'achat, par la Galerie nationale du Canada, de Vénus montrant ses armes à Enée ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 6 (1982-1983), p. 42-54.

Ruggles, Mervyn

"Combination of Transfer and Marouflage Treatment of a Homer Watson Painting." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 25-27, 48.

"Conservation Treatment of a Painting by the Transfer Method." Bulletin 5 (1965), p. 26-31, 32.

"A Resurrected Portrait and Its Case History." Bulletin 8 (1966), p. 9-15, 30.

"A Reynolds Revived." Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 16-23, 34-35.

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Sacchi, Andrea, 1599?-1661

Ann Sutherland Harris. "Andrea Sacchi's 'Portrait of a Cardinal.'" Bulletin 14 (1969), p. 9-15, 34.

Saint-Sauveur (Église : Québec, Québec)

Sylvain Allaire. "The Charles Huot Paintings in Saint-Sauveur Church, Quebec City" / « Les tableaux de Charles Huot à l'église Saint-Sauveur ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 16-30.

Salviati, Lotto di Giovanni, c.1408-c. 1480

Pierre Hurtubise. "Lotto di Giovanni Salviati and The Virgin and Child with Saints by Benozzo Gozzoli in the National Gallery of Canada" / « Lotto di Giovanni Salviati et La Vierge à l'Enfant entourée de Saints de Benozzo Gozzoli à la Galerie nationale du Canada ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 5 (1981-1982), p. 29-35.

Sarrasin, Francine

"Musical Iconography and Sketches in the National Gallery: Street Musicians by Lillian Freiman and Orchestra Sketch by Pegi Nicol" / « L'iconographie musicale et les dessins de la Galerie nationale : Musiciens des rues de Lillian Freiman et L'orchestre de Pegi 
Nicol »
. Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 5 (1981-1982), p. 36-49.

Schiff, Gert

"James Ensor: Skeletons in the Studio" / « James Ensor : Squelettes à l'atelier ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 4 (1980-1981), p. 26-38.

Schnapper, Antoine

Pierre Rosenberg, Antoine Schnapper. "Paintings by Restout on Mythological and Historical Themes: Acquisition by the National Gallery of Canada of Venus Presenting Arms to Aeneas" / « Les peintures à sujets mythologiques et historiques de Restout : à propos de l'achat, par la Galerie nationale du Canada, de Vénus montrant ses armes à Enée ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 6 (1982-1983), p. 42-54.

Sculpture, American

R. H. Hubbard. "European and American Painting and Sculpture: A Review of Accessions since the Catalogues of 1957 and 1959." Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 2-9, 31.

Sculpture, Canadian - Quebec (Province) - History

John R. Porter, Léopold Désy. « Le Souper d'Emmaüs dans la sculpture du Québec ». Bulletin 23 (1974), p. 17-30, 32.

Sculpture, European

R. H. Hubbard. "European and American Painting and Sculpture: A Review of Accessions since the Catalogues of 1957 and 1959." Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 2-9, 31.

Silverwork - Conservation and restoration

R. M. Myers, J. F. Hanlan. "The Compositional Analysis of French-Canadian Church Silver." Bulletin 21 (1973), p. 22-33, 35.

Silverwork - Québec (Province)

R. M. Myers, J. F. Hanlan. "The Compositional Analysis of French-Canadian Church Silver." Bulletin 21 (1973), p. 22-33, 35.

Soldani, Massimiliano, 1658-1740

Jennifer Montagu. "Massimiliano Soldani's 'Venus Plucking the Wings of Cupid.'" Bulletin 24 (1974), p. 22-34, 36.

Solomon, Abraham, 1823-1862

Ian Lowe. "Two Paintings by Abraham Solomon." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 41-46, 50.

Spike, John T.

"Mattia Preti: The Feast of Absalom" / « Festin d'Absalom de Mattia Preti ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 1 (1977-1978), p. 17-32.

Stacey, C. P.

"Benjamin West and 'The Death of Wolfe.'" Bulletin 7 (1966), p. 1-5, 30.

Stewart, J. Douglas

"Chandos, Marlborough and Kneller: Painting and 'Protest' in the Age of Queen Anne." Bulletin 17 (1971), p. 24-32, 35.

Stolow, Nathan

"From the Laboratory of the National Gallery." Bulletin 2 (1963), p. 1-14, 26.

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Taylor, Mary C.

"A Drawing by Jacques Callot." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 39-40, 50.

Teyssèdre, Bernard

« Borduas : Sous le vent de l'île ». Bulletin 12 (1968), p. 22-31, 33.

Thielcke, Henry-D., fl. 1838

Ross Fox. "Henry D. Thielcke: A Recently Found Portrait and Some Reflections on Thielcke's Links with the English School." Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 8 (1984-1985), p. 20-28, 29.

Thomas, Ann

"Notes on the Relationship of Photography and Painting in Canada, 1860-1900." Bulletin 20 (1972), p. 22-37, 39.

Thomson, Tom, 1877-1917

Dennis Reid. "Photographs by Tom Thomson." Bulletin 16 (1970), p. 2-36.

Tippett, Maria

"Emily Carr's 'Blunden Harbour.'" Bulletin 25 (1975), p. 33-37, 39.

Tovell, Rosemarie L.

"A.Y. Jackson in France, Belgium and Holland: A 1909 Sketchbook" / « A.Y. Jackson en France, en Belgique et en Hollande : carnet de croquis de 1909 ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 31-51.

Town Harold, 1924-1990

Denise Leclerc. « Harold Town et l'art du collage: À propos de Musique à l'arrière, 1958-1959 ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 8 (1984-1985), p. 7-17, 19.

Trois-Rivières - Religious and ecclesiastical institutions

John R. Porter, Léopold Désy. « L'ancienne chapelle des Récollets de Trois-Rivières ». Bulletin 18 (1971), p. 2-35.

Trudel, Jean

« Étude sur une statue en argent de Salomon Marion ». Bulletin 21 (1973), p. 3-21, 34.

Tsiang, Katherine

Yutaka Mino, Katherine Tsiang. "Mandarin Ducks in Sixteenth-Century Chinese Porcelain: A Wan-li Bowl in the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 28 (1976), p. 3-15, 29.

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Ugolino di Nerio, fl. 1317-1327

Laurence B. Kanter. "Ugolino di Nerio: Saint Anne and the Virgin" / « Ugolino di Nerio: Sainte Anne et la Vierge enfant ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 5 (1981-1982), p. 9-28.

Upper Canada Provincial Exhibition

J. Russell Harper. "Ontario Painters 1846-1867: A Study of Art at the Upper Canada Provincial Exhibitions." Bulletin 1 (1963), p. 16-31, 32.

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Vasari, Giorgio, 1511-1574

David McTavish. "Speculations on Two Drawings Attributed to Giorgio Vasari." Bulletin 28 (1976), p. 16-28, 29.

Verdier, Philippe

"A Christianized and Neo-Classicized Roman Tazza" / « Une très rare tazza romaine christianisée et néo-classicisée ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 2 (1978-1979), p. 52-61.

"Four Sixteenth-Century Painted Enamels" / « Quatre émaux peints du XVIe siècle ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 6 (1982-1983), p. 29-41.

Vollard, Ambroise, 1867-1939

Douglas Druick. "Cézanne, Vollard, and Lithography: The Ottawa Maquette for the 'Large Bathers' Colour Lithograph." Bulletin 19 (1972), p. 2-35.

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Waddingham, Malcolm

"A Poelenburch in the National Gallery of Canada." Bulletin 26 (1975), p. 3-10, 39.

Wallis, Provo W. P. (Provo William Parry), 1791-1892

Barry Lord. "Portraits of a Young Hero: Two Versions of Robert Field's 'Portrait of Lieutenant Provo William Parry Wallis.'" Bulletin 20 (1972), p. 13-21, 39.

Watson, Homer, 1855-1936

Mervyn Ruggles. "Combination of Transfer and Marouflage Treatment of a Homer Watson Painting." Bulletin 9-10 (1967), p. 25-27, 48.

Welsh, Robert

"The Place of 'Composition 12 with Small Blue Square' in the Art of Piet Mondrian." Bulletin 29 (1977), p. 3-32.

West, Benjamin, 1738-1820

C. P. Stacey. "Benjamin West and 'The Death of Wolfe.'" Bulletin 7 (1966), p. 1-5, 30.

Wilkinson, Alan G.

"Henry Moore's Reclining Woman" / « Femme couchée de Henry Moore ». Annual Bulletin / Bulletin Annuel 1 (1977-1978), p. 33-55.

Williamson, Moncrieff

"Robert Harris and The Fathers of Confederation." Bulletin 12 (1968), p. 8-21, 32-33.

Wodehouse, R. F. (Robert F.)

"Addenda and Corrigenda to the Catalogue of the Centennial Exhibition, A Pageant of Canada." Bulletin 11 (1968), p. 29-30.

"David Milne: 1989-19." Bulletin 2 (1963), p. 18-26, 27.

"Orpen Portraits in the Canadian War Memorials Collection." Bulletin 6 (1965), p. 20-30, 31.

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