CL-415 Waterbomber

 waterbomber CL-415

    In 1991 Canadair launched production of the Cl-415, a turboprop powered waterbomber that modernized the out-dated CL-215.

    Similar in appearance to its original counterpart, the new plane was fitted with four-tanks and four-doors, and can carry 6,130 litres of water. (A 15% increase on the CL-215 payload.)

    Also equipped with an electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) and computerized drop patterns, an optional foam chemical mixture system, this waterbomber is more efficient and productive.

    First flown in 1993, it can also be modified to be a multi-mission aircraft. Adaptable for search and rescue, drug interdiction, fisheries protection and even passenger and cargo capabilities, it could be outfitted with maritime surveillance radar, as well as new navigation and communications equipment.