[cable image][cable image]

Transatlantic Cable Communications

"the Original Information Highway"

Canso & Hazel Hill

The Project Team

[image of books][image of books]BIBLIOGRAPHY We have included a listing of the resources used to compile this project.

This is a scenic view of Canso taken from the harbour..

This project was sponsored by the Canso Historical Society, the Town of Canso and, of course, Industry Canada. Actual design of the page was completed by a four member design team. We have given a brief synopsis of our development team below.

Troy Greencorn

Troy functioned as primary instigator for the project, formulating the project proposal and arranging the financial details. As well, he took an active roll as off-site supervisor and contributed to some of the HTML coding. Besides being the heavy, Troy assisted in the editing and formatting of many of the pages. Troy is Deputy Town Clerk for the Town of Canso. In addition, he operates as a small business, a computer training centre and computer consulting company. Through the project, Troy has been able to sharpen his HTML programming skills. These will certainly find application in his small business.

Martha Kavanaugh

Martha provided the historical expertise that was invaluable in this undertaking. She has been a member of the Canso Historical Society for many years and has worked as a curator for the Whitman House Museum for over ten years. Martha has a tremendous knowledge of this and many other topics of local history. At the onset, she was very unsure about her computer abilities and the nature of the task that Troy had plunged her into. Now that it's over, she still sort of likes Troy, and she has learned a lot about the internet and web programming. I think we'll see her jamming web pages out as fast as her hands can type.

Bill MacMillan

Bill is our primary author and is also somewhat of a historical "guru". Bill has done prior research on the cable history of the area and has a great concise writing style that you will see throughout the project. How about this for a coincidence. Bill owns a campground in Fox Island. Fox Island was one of the main landing sites for the cables into Canso. In a number of spots in Bill's campground, you can actually see cable sticking up out of the ground. As I just mentioned, Bill is a local entrepreneur and is very involved in tourism, both in our area and province wide.

Velda Richardson

Like Martha, Velda also felt that Troy had immersed her into the unknown. Like Martha, she has come out of the project with a great deal of knowledge and technical ability. Velda has a tremendous level of technical competency and picked up web programming in virtually hours. Her learning curve continues to climb. We are very confident that Velda's involvement in this project is just the start of her bright computer career. Velda is best characterized as a silent crusader. When everybody else got side tracked or found some perfectly interesting information, about a totally unrelated topic, she was quick to remind them what they were supposed to be looking for. Thanks Velda.

The Canso Historical Society

Thanks must go out to the Canso Historical Society for their participation in this project, and for sharing with us their collection of photographs, artifacts and archival materials. Special thanks to Grace and Joe Walsh for providing us with information and photographs from their private collection, and to Bob Geddes for keeping an eye out for any materials that could be linked to our story. Without financial help from the Town of Canso we most certainly would have frozen in this wonderful old building, and would have been working in the dark. Many thanks to all of our supporters.

How Can We Be Reached ???????

The Canso Historical Society can be reached at the following address and phone number :

Canso Historical Society
P.O. Box 128
Canso, N.S.
B0H 1H0
Phone : (902) 366-2525 (Troy)
Phone : (902) 366-2170
Fax : (902) 366-3093

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