[Picture of a Pigeon]

The following letter dated February 6, 1900, was addressed to J. Parsons Esq. - Agt, Marine & Fisheries Dept., Halifax, N.S..


Referring to your letter of the 29th ult.

I think with you, that it would be a pity to kill the birds. I would suggest that they be sent to you at Halifax and sold at auction. I have no doubt there are parties in Halifax who would be glad to have some of them. I do not think that it would pay to tear out the fittings of the loft, and ship them, as they are merely made of rough hemlock, and it would probably cost more to tear them out than they are worth. The baskets would of course go with the birds, as also could the nesting pans. The stove I could sell here to the highest bidder. The matter could remain open until the end of March when the present quarter expires. In the meantime, is it likely that one of your steamers will be passing this neighbourhood? If so, it would be but little inconvenience for her to call & take the birds away.

Yours truly,
[S.S. Dickenson]

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