Socking it

You now figured out how to programme the show to broadcast across Canada and the time zones. Then, Herbert the sock hops his way up to you.

Herb Leggy< (Um, Bob Socky, we have a teeny, weeny problem)
Bob Socky< (What is is Herb?)
Herb Leggy< (Well, we've got 10 minutes until air time and we have to add the commercials!)
Bob Socky< (Commercial?!? AH! I forgot about them!)
Herb Leggy< (Let me consult my handy reference guide here....)
While Herb is nosing through the book, time is ticking away. What do you do with the commercials?


A: same thing you do with the programs

B: play them and count how many times the word "bob" comes up

C: try and guess how much money Kellogg's has paid based on the amount of commercials

D: Do the same thing as you would do at home- run to the bathroom and grab some munchies.