Child and Family Canada

Certification Procedures

Certification Procedures


  1. Read the Certification information sheet carefully.

  2. Double check the educational and work experience criteria and ascertain whether you qualify. If you have any queries, pleace call Registrar.

  3. Fill in application form, checking the following:
    a) The last sheet is dated and signed.
    b) All relevant educational and work experience is outlined.
    c) Photocopies of all relevant documents are included.
    d) Carefully written self-evaluation completed.
    e) Include a cheque made out to the CCECENS in the amount designated as the registration
    fee on the schedule of fee sheet for the current year. This is a non-refundable registration fee.

  4. Find two other colleagues to join a working triplet with you. One of the triplet may be in the same centre with you, but we strongly recommend that they are not in the same room. Ideally, each should come from different centres. (This encourages the whole certification process to be a rich and varied experience for all concerned.) Please inform the Registrar of your choice or if you wish for help in joining a triplet.

  5. When you receive your acceptance letter from the Council, you will also receive:
    a) A facilitator list.
    b) Three (3) copies of the criteria.
    c) A copy of the Certification Manual/Criteria.

  6. Your triplet should then choose a Facilitator and inform the Registrar, who in turn will confirm that she is available.

  7. Read the Manual/Criteria thoroughly.

  8. Fill out one criteria in detail on yourself. This will acquaint you with the content of the criteria and make you examine yourself, your program and philosophies.

  9. Arrange your initial meeting with your facilitator and set up your visits to your triplet.



  1. On completion of the above, the certification process begins with the onset of the first visits.


It is suggested that your first visit be an orientation visit. Some people have found it convenient to make notes at the time of the visits and fill in the relevant criteria later, while others fill in the criteria on site. Detail is expected and not only will it assist you in your self-evaluation, but is necessary for the validator's assessment. If a criteria is partly met (PM) what did you observe; how could it be improved? If fully met (FM), check that column and also record what you observed. Record any changes you observe in the program, etc. as this shows growth within the candidate.

Meet with or call each member of you triplet to discuss philosophies, share your observations and clarify any points of concern after each and every visit.

At any time throughout the certification process:

  1. You have any concerns;
  2. You want a meeting for any reason;
  3. Something is not clear in the criteria;
  4. You are puzzled;
  5. You just want to talk.



  1. When the participant feels she is ready for validation, each member of the triplet should:
    a) Check that all criteria is complete.
    b) Write a report on the overall impression of the candidate, the centre and program and
    the working relationship of the triplet.
    c) Give copies of the criteria and report to the candidate.
    When you receive your completed criteria from the other members of your triplet, reread
    and update your own criteria. At this point, there should be a final meeting with your triplet
    and facilitator to discuss any further concerns, answer questions, etc.

  2. Request a Validator list and choose a Validator.

  3. On completion of the criteria and confirmation of choice of Validator, mail in the following to the Registrar;
    a) Three (3) completed criteria, one of which has been completed by yourself.
    b) Two Reports, one from each member of your triplet.
    c) Report from your facilitator.
    d) Cheque to cover your validation expenses in the amount designated as validator's fees on
    the schedule of fees.
    e) A copy of your goals.

  4. Your Validator will be given your papers, and will then call you to set up a mutually agreeable time for the validation visit.

  5. The Validator visits. Please allow at least 2-3 hours for the observation plus another 1-1 1/2 hours for an interview immediately following.

  6. The Validator will write a report on what she observed and will submit this to the Council. The Council will meet at the earliest possible date after receiving all your documents and the Validator's report.


  7. You will receive a letter and copy of your Validator's report as to your certification status from the Executive of the Council.

  8. The Council will keep your documentation on file. If you wish for copies of any report/criteria, etc., it is your responsibility to do this prior to submission.

  9. The ceremony for celebrating you certification status will be at the Annual General Council meeting every Fall.


  1. There will be a yearly fee, in the amount designated as "Certification maintenance fee" in the schedule of fees for the current year, to maintain your certification status, due the year following the year you are certified and each year thereafter.

  2. At the time your fees are due there will be a letter/form requesting how you maintained your professional/educational/personal interests over the previous year, e.g. meetings attended, workshops, courses, memberships, etc. If after being reviewed over two years the Council feels you are not maintaining a professional standing worthy of your certification status, you will be given due warning and your certification status could be revoked.

  3. If you have any queries at any time and your facilitator cannot help, call the Registrar.


  1. Please note that if you wish to be certified as a teacher of preschoolers, you MUST set up a regular time per week (a minimum of 5 hours) during the certification process with the children. This enables:
    a) the children to be familiar with you.
    b) your planning times being observed for the certification process. This should reflect a
    variety of activities, e.g. circle times, story time, crafts, etc.
    c) you to be evaluated for the certification process while directly involved with the children.


  1. If you are not certified, (i.e. your application is deferred by the Certification Council) and you do not agree, then there is a grievance procedure that you are able to follow. Write a letter about your grievances and send this to the Council with a copy to the Chairperson of the Grievance Committee. This committee has procedures with which to handle your concerns.


  1. If your certificate is destroyed or lost it can be replaced by writing to the Council requesting a replacement. Enclose a cheque for $10 made out to CCECENS.

This excerpt is from Certification Procedures, published by the Certification Council of Early Childhood Educators of Nova Scotia.

Posted by the Certification Council of Early Childhood Educators of Nova Scotia, July 1997.

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