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Education Programs : Knickers and Pinafores
Education Programs

Teaching Resources


  P1454 Sardis School
P1454 Sardis School
Family and Clothing Styles Pre-1920

Grade Level:

75 minutes

Your Classroom


  Explore, discuss, analyze and compare pioneer life, family size, roles and responsibilities, and clothing styles of children circa 1900 to today.

This program makes use of inquiry-based teaching techniques and hands-on activities.
This program includes a slide presentation, artifact interpretation (laundry equipment) and clothing comparisons to illustrate the layers of clothing worn by children 100 years ago.

Prescribed Learning Outcomes of the Social Studies Curriculum

It is expected that students will:

  • Collect information from a variety of sources and experiences
  • Draw simple interpretations form oral sources
  • Describe some of the purposes of families
  • Describe how families can be similar and different
  • Identify some characteristics of their community
  • Identify different occupations in their community
  • Describe the role of technology in their lives

Contact us to book this program.


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