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The following is a partial list of books available for research at the Chilliwack Archives. Books may be viewed on the premises but are not available for loan. Check with the Fraser Valley Regional Library for availability.

Akrigg, G.P.U, Helen B. Akrigg, British Columbia Place Names, Sono Nis Press, Victoria, 1986

Agro Pacific, East Chilliwack Agricultural Co-op: 50 Years of Service, 1947 to 1997, Agro Pacific, 1997.

Arnett, T.C., The Chilliwack Valley Continuum: A Search for a Canadian Land Ethic, Thesis, Graduate Studies, Architecture, University of British Columbia, 1976

Baird, Carol, Sandbags and Rubber Boots: Chilliwack and the Flood of 1948, Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society, 1998

British Columbia Women's Institute, Modern Pioneers: For Home and Country, 1909 - 1959.

Cameron, Laura, Openings; A Meditation on History, Method and Sumas Lake, MCGill - Queens University Press, 1997

Cook, Donna H., Early Settlement in the Chilliwack Valley, Department of Geography, U.B.C., 1979

Coutts, Cecil C., Cancelled with Pride: A History of Chilliwack Area Post Offices 1865 - 1993, Cecil C. Coutts Publishing, 1993

Denman, Ron, Pat Jepson, ed., Down Country Roads: Chilliwack's Agricultural History, Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society

Denman, Ronald W.R., ed., 50 Years of Military Presence in the Fraser Valley: 1942 - 1992, Base Chilliwack, Chilliwack Museum and Historical Society, Chilliwack, 1992

District of Chilliwack., Chilliwack: Community Profile

First Mennonite Church, A History of the First Mennonite Church: Greendale B.C., First Mennonite Church, Greendale B.C.,1976

Foulds, K. , Land Beneath the Lake, M.S.A. Museum Society, 1991

Freeman, Jack A., Agassiz Research Station 1886 - 1986, Minister of Supply and Services, Canada, 1986

Gibbard, John Edgar, Early History of the Fraser Valley,1808-1895, thesis, Master of Arts in the Department of History, U.B.C.,1937

Hale, Linda L., British Columbia Local Histories Bibliography, B.C. Libraries Association

Harder, Katherine, ed., The Greendale Mennonite Bretheren Church, 1931 - 1981, Greendale Mennonite Bretheren Church, 1980

Hickman, Mary, Early History of East Chilliwack, Witherby and Co. Ltd., London

Hickman, Mary, The Early Days, The Circle Press, Sarsee, 1983

Klassen, Agatha, Yarrow: A Portrait in Mosaic, A.E. Klassen, Yarrow, B.C. , 1976

Knutson, Bernice, Lois Dickinson, ed., Sumas School Reunion, Platinum Press, Chilliwack, 1986

MacGregor, Neill M., Farmers at Chilliwack High, self published, 1984, Add. Mss. 878, Series3 File 7, Neill MacGregor fonds

McIntyre, Kerry J., A Century of Faith: The Story of Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Chilliwack, B.C., 1988

Mclachlan, Morag Elizabeth, Fraser Valley Milk Producers' Association: A Successful Co-operative, 1964

Melvin, George H., Post Offices of British Columbia 1858 - 1970

Mitten Elaine, Oh Dem Golden Slippers, Fraser Valley Custom Printers, Chilliwack, 1993

Mt. Cheam Senior Citizens Association, A History of Popkum

Orchard, Imbert, Floodland and Forest: Memories of Chilliwack Valley, Sound Heritage Series Number 37, Sound and Moving Image Division, Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria, 1983

Paterson, Brenda, ed., In Prayer, and Song, and Deed: Carman United Church, 1898 - 1998, Carman United Church, Sardis, 1998

Ramsey, Bruce, Five Corners: The Story of Chilliwack, Chilliwack Historical Society, 1975

Roderick, Henry Hugh, A Church Grows in Sardis: a Brief History of the Anglican Parish of St. John the Baptist, the Parish of St. John the Baptist, Sardis, 1988

Rosedale Heritage Preservers, In the Shadow of Mt. Cheam, Inter- Collegiate Press, B.C., 1988

Sleigh, Daphne, One Foot on the Border: The History of Sumas Prairie and Area, Sumas Prairie and Area Historical Society, Deroche, B.C., 1999

Swanson, W. J., Fairfield Island: The Northwest Corner, Blue Stone Publishers, Abbotsford, 1999

White, George Brooks, History of the Eastern Fraser Valley since 1885, Thesis, Master of Arts in the Department of History, U.B.C., 1937

Wiehler, Henry, ed., Eden Mennonite Church: Chilliwack, British Columbia, 1945 - 1995, Eden Mennonite Church, Chilliwack, 1995

Forest Industry:
Langlois, W.J. ed.,, Men of the Forest, Sound Heritage, Volume VI, Number 3, Provincial Archives of British Columbia, Victoria, 1977

McCombs, Arnold M., Wilfred W. Chittenden, The Fraser Valley Challenge: and illustrated account of Logging and Sawmilling in the Fraser Valley, Treeline Publishing, Harrison Hot Springs, 1990

McCombs, Arnold M., Wilfred W. Chittenden, The Harrison - Chehailis Challenge, Treeline Publishing, Harrison Hot Springs, 1988

Gold rush:
Chan Antony B., Gold Mountain: The Chinese in the New World, New Star Books, Vancouver, 1983

Downs, Art., Wagon Road North: The Story of the Cariboo Gold Rush in Historic Photos, North West Digest Ltd., Quesnel, B.C. , 1962 Hill

Beth, Sappers: The Royal Engineers in British Columbia, Hosdal and Schubart Publishing

Ganges Morton, James, In the Sea of Sterile Mountains: The Chinese in British Columbia, J.J. Douglas Ltd., 1974

Stanley, George F.G., Mapping the Frontier: Charles Wilson Diary of the Survey of the 49th. Parallel 1858 - 1862, Seattle University of Washington Press Williams

David Ricardo, Matthew Baille Begbie, Fitzhenry and Whiteside Ltd., Ontario, 1980

Batdorf, Carol, The Feast is Rich: A Guide to Traditional Coast Salish Indian Food Gathering and Preparation, Whatcom Museum of History and Art, Bellingham, Wash. 1980

Carlson, Keith Thor, Albert "Sonny" McHalsie, I am Sto:lo: Katherine Explores her Heritage, Sto:lo Heritage Trust, Sardis, 1998

Carlson, Keith Thor, ed., You are asked to Witness: The Sto:lo in Canada's Pacific History, Sto:lo Heritage Trust, Chilliwack B.C. , 1997

Duff, Wilson., The Upper Stalo Indians of the Fraser River of B.C. Anthropology in British Columbia, Memoir No.1, British Columbia Provincial Museum, Victoria, 1952

Hill - Tout, Charles, The Salish People: The Local Contribution of Charles Hill - Tout, Volume III: The Mainland Halkomelem, Totem books, Vancouver, 1978

McIvor, Dorothy Matheson, Coqualeetza: No Backward Step, Blue Pine Publishing, Surrey, B.C.

Pennier, Clarence, ed., How Secure is Our Future, a look at historical and current developments within Sto:lo territory

Stuart, Wendy Bross, Gambling Music of the Coast Salish Indians. Ethnology Division, National Museum of Man, Ottawa, 1972

Ware, Reuben M., Five Issues Five Battlegrounds: an Introduction to the History of Indian Fishing in British Columbia 1850 - 1930, Coqualeetza Training Centre for the Sto:lo Nation, 1983

Wells, Oliver N., The Chilliwacks and their Neighbours, ed. Ralph Maude, Brent Galloway, Marie Weeden. Talon Books, Vancouver, 1987

The Flood of 1948, Impact-Creative Visual Communications, 1999 Memories of the 1948 Flood, Chilliwack Museum and Archives, Cogeco Cable, 1998


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