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courtesy NSARM
Edward Duke of Kent

courtesy St. George's parish archive
Royal Visit, June 4, 1983

courtesy St. George's parish archive
Prince Charles and Princess Diana during their Royal Visit

Photo courtesy of Karen Westhaver
Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh August 30, 1994

Photo courtesy of Alvin Comiter
Prince Phillip examines the Restoration

Photo courtesy of Karen Westhaver
Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh August 30, 1994



St. George’s Royal connections date back to 1794. While England was at war with France, Edward, Duke of Kent, the fourth son of George III (and father of Queen Victoria) arrived in Halifax to command the king’s forces. He was not impressed by the muddy, windy town and determined to try to turn in into a fine capital city. He was a keen amateur architect, who loved the classical Palladian style, particularly in its round form. His legacy to Halifax includes the round Town Clock, a round music pavilion at his home on Bedford Basin and Saint George’s Round Church, often known as Prince Edward’s Church.
Although legend has it that he designed the church, the precise nature of his contribution is not known, and it seems likely that the shipwrights from the naval dockyard were the true architects.

courtesy St. George's parish archiveThe royal connection continued: In 1902, The Duke and Duchess of York (later King George V and Queen Mary) visited. In 1983, Charles and Diana, the Prince and Princess of Wales, attended a service and unveiled a plaque commemorating restorative work on the church. Prince Charles made the following statement during his visit:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we were both most interested today to see the old St. George's Anglican Church here in Halifax, designed by the Duke of Kent, who is my great great grandfather, who you may realize, was obsessed with time. He erected the old clock tower which is below the Citadel, which I am sure you all know only too well."

Photo courtesy of Alvin ComiterAfter the fire in 1994, Prince Charles sent a donation to support the Restoration. Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh also visited the church and examined the restoration on August 30, 1994.

In March of 2002, Prince Michael Duke of Kent visited the parish and attended a special prayer service at the church, which included singing from a neighbourhood children’s choir.


Photo courtesy of Natalie Bullen
Prince Michael with neigbourhood youth


Photo courtesy of Natalie Bullen
Prince Michael, Duke of Kent March, 2001