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Photo Gallery
(click photos to enlarge)

courtesy St. George's parish archive
1814 Watercolour

courtesy St. George's parish archive
1927 Watercolour

courtesy St. George's parish archive
Sketch by Edward Jukeman

Photo courtesy Anne West
Exterior dome

courtesy Fowler, Bauld & Mitchell Architects
Arial Architecture

courtesy Fowler, Bauld & Mitchell Architects
Architectural Profile

courtesy NSARM
The Duke of Kent

Saint George’s Round Church:
an architectural masterpiece

Less than 50 years after erecting their first tiny church, the congregation of Saint George’s built an architectural masterpiece which still stands as one of Canada’s national treasures. They created a magnificent three-tiered round wooden church in the Palladian style, the only one in Canada.

courtesy of NSARMEdward Duke of Kent, son of King George III and father of Queen Victoria, inspired the design for the church. During his term serving as military commander in Halifax (1794 to 1800), the Duke was impressed by the Reverend Bernard Houseal and encouraged him and his flock to be ambitious and daring as they planned their new church. The Duke helped to raise funds, including £200 from his royal father.

Photo courtesy Hedrich Blessing PhotographersThe original church was a simple circle. Between 1822 and 1827, a chancel and vestry were added, and a round porch. In 1835, an image of Halley’s Comet was added to the weathervane to commemorate the passing of the comet.

But the true glory of Saint George’s is in its interior, with its circular shape, its soaring arches, round-headed upper windows and fine umbrella dome.



Photo courtesy Hedrich Blessing Photographers
Church Dome Interior

Photo courtesy Anne West
Church Interior



Photo courtesy Anne West
Pre-restoration interior


Photo courtesy Anne West
Pre-restoration interior