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The Musée d'art de Joliette is pleased to offer its audience this Internet site as a complement to the Faith in Art exhibition, which focused on the contribution made by the Clerics of St. Viator to cultural life in Quebec.

In large part, Joliette owes its reputation as a "cultural" center to this religious community, the impact of whose work has been felt not only in our region but far beyond its borders as well. Culture, which played such a major role in the education offered by the Clerics, has been especially significant, serving as a valuable window on the modern world for so many of the students attending their schools. This is particularly true in the area of the visual arts, which constantly inspired our Museum's founder, Cleric of St. Viator Wilfrid Corbeil, in all his endeavours.

We are proud to turn the spotlight on such a vibrant period in our history through an exhibition, a publication and now a website and we wish to thank everyone who contributed to the project: the guest curator, Johanne Lebel, the community of Clerics of St. Viator, those who lent us items for the exhibition and, for their financial assistance, the Museums Assistance Program of the Department of Heritage Canada and a group of Séminaire de Joliette alumni.

This Internet site is available on the SchoolNet site, thanks to assistance from the Digital Collections program and the participation of Connexion/Lanaudière. With the support of the du Maurier Arts Council, the exhibition has also led to the creation of a heritage route, Le Joliette des Clercs. This Internet site was developed under the supervision of Robert Roy by Michel Lefebvre. Our warmest thanks go to everyone who supported this project and helped it take shape.

France Gascon
Musée d'art de Joliette




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Musée d'art de Joliette, 145 rue Wilfrid-Corbeil, Joliette (Québec) J6E 3Z3
Tél. : (514) 756-0311 -- Téléc. : (514) 756-6511 -- email: joliette@login.net --
Site: http://www.bw.qc.ca/musee.joliette
