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La foi dans l'art

. Les Clercs de St-Viateur à Joliette .


a10pa0.jpg (3318 octets) Early Days


f1pf0.jpg (3115 octets) The classical course


b5pb0.jpg (4926 octets) Fine art


c1pc0.jpg (12226 octets) The revival of
sacred art


d4pd0.jpg (5711 octets) College theatre


e1pe0.JPG (8238 octets) Music





This year, 1997, marks the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the Clerics of St. Viator in Quebec. For the Musée d'art de Joliette, which owes so much to the Clerics, this landmark date was an ideal opportunity to review an artistic chapter in the community's history. They were concerned above all with education, and from 1846 to 1967 the Clerics' Séminaire de Joliette was one of the most active classical colleges in Quebec when it came to the arts, in the broadest sense of the term.

This internet site, a summary of the exhibition, illustrates the lasting emphasis placed by the community on music and beauty, from the outset . During the first third of this century, the Clerics began focussing even more on the arts. It was the start of a veritable golden age of culture, as the school's dynamic environment and the Christian humanist values of its members flourished in a period when the world was being shaken by new realities.

This golden age came at a time when the Church was feeling growing pressure from the modern world. Science was proffering new explanations of natural phenomena, while industrialization, urbanization and modern communications were eroding its underpinnings. Shaken to its very foundations, the Church in Quebec eventually fell apart by the 1960s.

The cultural work of the Clerics of St. Viator in Joliette can therefore be seen as straddling the gulf between an increasingly modern world and a Church that was still firmly entrenched, between a new, innovative force and an old, conservative one. It might appear that the Clerics of St. Viator were caught in an uncomfortable position between the two, but paradoxically this uncertainty appears to have nourished their creative endeavours, producing the tension or disorder that fosters creativity, yet giving them the stability they needed to carry out their ambitions.

During this golden age, the community played a significant role in encouraging the development of religious and secular art, music, theatre and architecture in a Quebec that was joining the modern world. The fruits of this artistic explosion extended well beyond the walls of the college, in fact, surviving long after the community disbanded during the Quiet Revolution. The Festival international de Lanaudière and the Musée d'art de Joliette are important parts of its legacy.



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Musée d'art de Joliette
145 rue Wilfrid-Corbeil, Joliette (Québec) J6E 3Z3
Tél. : (514) 756-0311-- Téléc. : (514) 756-6511-- email: joliette@login.net --
Site: http://www.bw.qc.ca/musee.joliette