The Grand River as a Canadian Heritage River

The Grand River was nominated to the Canadian Heritage Rivers System in 1990. The nomination was accepted because of the abundant nationally significant human heritage and recreational features which are associated with the river.

Outstanding human heritage resources are represented by the following five themes:

The following five themes illustrate the range of quality recreational opportunities available in the Grand River watershed:

The Grand River has a rich diversity of significant natural heritage features. Although natural heritage was not used as a primary basis for the river's nomination, these features do provide excellent recreational and tourism opportunities in a natural setting.

Human Heritage

Tangible and intangible elements of society including artifacts; historical and archaeological structures and sites; architecture; transportation and settlement patterns; works of art; recorded folktales; festivals; customs; traditions; and values.

Natural Heritage

Geological features and landforms; associated terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; their plant species, populations and communities; and all native species, their habitats and sustaining environment.
