The Grand Strategy Index

The Song My Paddle Sings
Declaration of Support
A Vision Realized - A Look From The Future, 2019
Executive Summary
Part One Introduction ; The Canadian Heritage Rivers System (CHRS) ; Role of the Grand River in the CHRS
The Grand River as a Canadian Heritage River
Designating a Canadian Heritage River
The Grand River - A New Kind of Canadian Heritage River ; Purpose of The Grand Strategy
Preparing The Grand Strategy
Part TwoManagement Philosophy ; Beliefs
Values and Principles
Central Goals
Guidelines for Action
Part ThreeImplementation ; Existing Management Arrangements
Building The Grand Strategy
Gathering Commitments to Action
Keys to Success
AppendixSupporting Information : Basis for Nominating the Grand River as a Canadian Heritage River
Basis for Nominating the Grand River as a Canadian Heritage River (con't)
Background Documents
List of Participants (To Date) A - L
List of Participants (To Date) M - Z
List of Affiliations (To Date)

