A Vision Realized - A Look From the Future, 2019

The following description of the Grand River watershed represents the shared vision of participants in The Grand Strategy, 1993. It is written as a "State of the Grand River as a Canadian Heritage River" address to watershed residents in the year 2019.

"In February 1994, the Grand River was designated as a Canadian Heritage River. On reflection, this event marked the beginning of a new era in resource stewardship in the Grand River Watershed.

Through the collaborative efforts of individuals, community groups, businesses, landowners, educational institutions, municipalities and government agencies, The Grand Strategy has changed our attitudes and the way in which we interact with and relate to our natural and human environments. The Grand River valley is now regarded as a prized and priceless asset, world renowned for its natural beauty and cultural diversity.

Today, the rivers and streams are measurably cleaner than they were twenty-five years ago. The Grand River is now "the place" to fish in southern Ontario. An ever growing number of visitors enjoy picnicking, swimming and camping in our local conservation areas and parks each year. Canoeing, hiking, cycling, and horseback riding along the extensive network of trails attract increasing numbers of vacationers to the watershed. This helps sustain the economic vitality of our communities.

Seasonal cultural events attract thousands of visitors each year. The many historical sites and buildings fascinate young and old alike. Growing numbers of painters, photographers, and others are drawn to the valley to find renewed inspiration and to enjoy the tranquility and peace the river offers.

Watershed communities are committed to ensuring that heritage and recreational resources are maintained and enhanced. Landowners are well-informed and play a primary role in managing and conserving heritage resources on private lands. The Grand River Heritage Forum provides opportunities for groups, individuals, landowners and agencies to exchange information, discuss concerns and issues and decide on appropriate actions which reflect individual and joint stewardship efforts. An annual "State of the Grand as a Canadian Heritage River" is prepared in conjunction with this event. As a report card of civilization, the Grand River has improved its marks each year.

We are proud of our river. The commitments to action instilled by The Grand Strategy have bestowed a special legacy to present and future generations who live, work and play in the Grand River valley."


